[Meeting 'Sakura' as his nametag read had been a little strange, to say the least. But when he'd somehow proven himself able to tell what her career at least partially entailed along with the fact that she had experience in 'shadows', she wound up with no other choice but to listen.
And then he asked if it would be possible to help a doppleganger of
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Can I help you?
[Well, hopefully the other way round, but he hasn't guessed who sent her.]
Ah, yes- thanks for coming. Do you want to come in?
It's about this. [Vague gesture to the Ring, displayed as visibly as ever.]
"A- The- The millennium ring..." [It might be good to note that her eyes are filled not with fear but with awe.
Hurriedly covering up fan-girl-ness.] "I see. Could you detail the issues the ring has been giving you recently..?"
That's what it is. [He doesn't slightly suspicious at all. Do sit down.]
Well, it tends to cause things to explode. I'd say that's the main problem.
Er. Explode?] "Hn... Could you describe the events where this happened..? Not just the explosion though- I need to know the situation around the event... Ah-" [A slight flush.] "I should explain myself first. I come from a time where 'ka', the beastial sides of the soul are easily accessed by mankind- in my profession, people such as myself are tasked with aiding in the problems caused by the separation of soul and ka by entering the mind...
If I can find out how tied to your soul this problem is, I might be able to help." [Just so you know she does know her stuff, that is.]
[Wait what.]
You might enter my mind? [You can probably imagine the expression. Brooklime's mind is private property. The kind where there's barbed wire and a 'no entry' sign.] I- I mean, if you have to, I suppose it's okay, but...
Whatever is meant to be secret will very likely be presented as such- I will avoid those things. If I am to help with this method, my target will only be the source of the issue." [She pauses.] "However... I must warn you- this is one of the most powerful items of 'darkness' in existence... I will do my best..." [Well... Not much she can do.] "...But I will not likely be able to completely erradicate the source of your problems, unfortunately." [If she can even try doing that at least.
Which isn't likely.]
If it can help, I'll do it. [Yup, as soon as the mind issue is out of the way, he's practically staging a soul room welcoming party. Hope you don't get mood whiplash easily, Yume. Grin!] Even if it doesn't get rid of everything- it won't hurt, to try, right? What do I have to do?
[So nice to be back on the job again..]
If you're going to lose consciousness, should you sit down? [There's a chair on the other side of the room.]
He really hopes this wasn't a rash decision.]
"Okaeri..." [Activated.
In an instant, both should be thrown into the realm of Brooklime's own mind and soul- with connections where the soul has them. Yume appears in her 'armor', standing to look around. Now where is Brooklime..?]
Brooklime doesn't appear to be in here.]
A glance at the furniture on the side tells her that her answers will not likely be there. The door is her goal, or closer to it.] "...A desire to be pure... And a desire to keep safe..." [She reaches for the door...] "So then where will your mind take me..?"
[And opens it.]
((OOC - Think of it this way; she needs to find the thing she's trying to 'stop', and there needs to be evidence of its presence, along with evidence of any difficulties that arise to combat her. :3 It's like his head becomes a Monster World board! :'D ))
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