since their last intropost was made with yousay it's jakku's turn this time

Apr 22, 2011 21:28

[There is a rather imposing figure in the lobby.

A billowing, flowing trench-coat that seems to just move on its own despite there being no wind. A pair of frightening snakes, the slitted eyes intimidating as each one hovers their head just above the imposing spikes that jut out of the broad shoulders. Golden hair illuminated by the barest hint of crimson light that just seems to exude itself from the being naturally, as if part of their very essence and soul, even reflecting in the vibrant purple eyes.

Also, it's about six inches tall. Meet Horned Beast!Jack Atlus.

He's also accompanied by a floating shell-thing that is almost equally as imposing.


5ds: jack atlus, 5ds: bergelmir, 5ds: fudou yuusei, 5ds: pyxis

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