[Kiryu is walking down the hall in an odd, shuffling pace. And for some reason, he seems to be sniffling. At least...it sounds like sniffing...like he's looking for something...]
[He looks up at Apollo, revealing there is a nice, human-mouth-sized chunk of flesh missing from his upper neck and lower cheek. And also he looks quite like death warmed over, much like a Dark Signer would. But Kiryu was most definitely not a Dark Signer, not with those lifeless eyes. Nor do most Dark Signers shuffle slowly towards Signers while sniffing and making odd moaning sounds.
On the other hand, he doesn't look particularly menacing, nor is he making any obvious statements regarding his appetite yet.]
[Something rather interesting happens at this. It takes a moment, but...Kiryu...stops. And looks at Jack, a small moan on his lips before he starts to turn around and shuffle away, letting out a much louder moan that sounds more like a wail.]
[Either he's doing the zombie equivalent of a nod or his head is convulsing and twitching up and down in an uncontrollable, lurching fashion. It's Apollo's call, really...]
[He turns, looking peeved, his head bobbing more violently now. JERK STOP YELLING AT HIM BEFORE HE DECIDES TO TAKE A CHUNK OUT OF YOUR LUNGS OR SOMETHING.]
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On the other hand, he doesn't look particularly menacing, nor is he making any obvious statements regarding his appetite yet.]
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[Either he's doing the zombie equivalent of a nod or his head is convulsing and twitching up and down in an uncontrollable, lurching fashion. It's Apollo's call, really...]
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[He turns, looking peeved, his head bobbing more violently now. JERK STOP YELLING AT HIM BEFORE HE DECIDES TO TAKE A CHUNK OUT OF YOUR LUNGS OR SOMETHING.]
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[He'd love some brains right now. He's really hungry and braaaaaaaains. Just not your braaaaaains.]
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[Get brains, man. It's lunchtime!]
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