Aug 10, 2010 21:12

Only one person will get that orz

Hi. It's time for HMD. Yes, it's a day early. Because Alpha (me) has to prep going to Aussieland and... uh. Yeah. Hi.

The usual rules go as follows: Don't be a purposeful asshat and things will be great. Concrit (that's 'constructive criticism') is good, love is also good. Plottings together in the comments are also encouraged.

Post your characters and a small paragraph of what they have done and profits will soar.

This week's event is: INAPPROPRIATE CRUSHES

Meaning they get a crush on someone out of left field that they normally wouldn't develop a crush on (IE A TAS character developing a crush on a GX character) and such things.

Have fun, and we'll see you in two weeks. NEWBIES feel free to leave any questions in the comments below.

*modpost, *hmd

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