Title: A Very Serious Story Wherein Ryuuji Is A Virgin.
cairnsy Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): None
Summary: Don’t you just hate it when you fall into one of those plots were all the virgins are going to get sacrificed, and you just happen to be the only damn virgin around?
Archive Link:
http://cairnsy.livejournal.com/229579.html Title: Fairytale
Author: Cairnsy
Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): Rated: T, None
Summary: Ryuuji tells a fairytale to some poor, unidentified person. Seto x Ryuuji.
Archive Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1802206/1/Fairytale Title: Once Upon a Faery's Tail
purkledragonMedia: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: A faery tale--What would you do if someone tried to take something you didn't even know you wanted away from you? Did you really want it in the first place or is it the other's interest that makes you want it? Does it matter in the end as long as you win?
Archive Link:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/43819 Title: Belt
a_white_rain Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): Ficlet, None
Summary: Belt shopping Seto thought dryly.
Archive Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/eternal_nights/116481.html#cutid6 Title: Itty bitty drabble
a_white_rain Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): Itty bitty drabble
Summary: Itty bitty drabble
Archive Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/eternal_nights/152442.html#cutid6 Title: Pull Away
a_white_rain Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): None
Summary: he can’t pull away…
Archive Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/eternal_nights/41542.html Title: Honey and Bees
a_white_rain Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): None
Summary: "I am not allergic to affection. I just dislike it." Kaiba tries to explain his point of view to Otogi who seems to have ADD as well as a tendency to ask rhetorical questions.
Archive Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/eternal_nights/34957.html#cutid1 Title: Getting what you Want
sam_cc Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): None
Summary: To get the documents he needs for Pegasus’s funding of Dungeon Dice Monsters Otogi must get past the internationally famous business tycoon Seto Kaiba. And perhaps his methods will get Kaiba to learn where judging from appearance leads you.
Archive Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/no_pups_allowed/12744.html Title: Coded Messages.
fickle_goddess Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): PG-13, None
Summary: Ryuuji's bored during a meeting. Seto's used to Ryuuji being impulsive. Short little drabble.
Archive Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/only_fiction/31905.htmlNote: For more master fics by this author, please check out
this tag. There are quite a few and placing them all on here would have overwhelmed this list. They're all good, and well worth the time to check out though ^^
Title: The Magic Number
volume_slave Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): None
Summary: Kaiba, against better judgment, decides to play a game with Otogi. After all, there's no way he can lose, right?
Archive Link:
http://volume-slave.livejournal.com/577.html#cutid1 Title: Untitled
immicolia Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): Pseudo smutty?
Summary: A collection of three master drabbles.
Archive Link:
http://immicolia.livejournal.com/730902.html Title: J.A.Z.Z. (Just Another Zzzzz Zzzzz ^~)
egorio Media: Fanfiction
Warnings (if necessary): None
Summary: Honda starts out eating lunch, and then spends the majority of this fic hiding in a restroom stall. Um, hilarity ensues? Whatever. Basically, this fic is Honda overreacting as Ryuuji and Seto make out…right in front of him.
Archive Link:
http://egorio.livejournal.com/1025.html (Fanarts will be linked in the lists so that anyone with a slow connection won't be bogged down.)
Title: In the car
tsutaya07Media: Fanart
Archive Link:
http://tsutaya07.deviantart.com/art/In-the-car-129077906?q=gallery%3Atsutaya07%2F9231446&qo=63 Title: Kiss me Plz?
sQuiDbiScUitMedia: Fanart
Archive Link:
http://squidbiscuit.deviantart.com/art/Kiss-me-Plz-97700954?q=boost%3Apopular+kaiba+duke&qo=37 Title: Otogi x Kaiba
Akila-IshtarMedia: Fanart
Archive Link:
http://akila-ishtar.deviantart.com/art/YGO-Otogi-x-Kaiba-for-E-san-132133235?q=boost%3Apopular+kaiba+duke&qo=42 Title: Mastershipping Seto and Ryuuji
EngelchenYugiMedia: Fanart
Archive Link:
http://engelchenyugi.deviantart.com/art/Mastershipping-Seto-and-Ryuuji-136444294?q=boost%3Apopular+mastershipping&qo=1 Title: Lifeline
byakkouMedia: Fanart
Archive Link:
http://byakkou.deviantart.com/art/Lifeline-8497091?q=boost%3Apopular+kaiba+duke&qo=107 Title: May I borrow you?
byakkouMedia: Fanart
Archive Link:
http://byakkou.deviantart.com/art/May-I-borrow-you-8496185?q=boost%3Apopular+kaiba+duke&qo=153 Title: Flirty Otogi
foxysquidMedia: Fanart
Archive Link:
http://foxysquid.deviantart.com/art/YGO-Flirty-Otogi-177551270 Other nifty stuff:
Comm -
http://community.livejournal.com/kaiba_otogi/profileIcons -
http://community.livejournal.com/danicons/19853.htmlWiki -
http://seventh-star.net/wikific/Mastershipping Know of something not on this list? Comment and we'll add it in ^^
Any requests for the next pairing they'd like to see a list of? Holler out a pairing; I was mulling over which pairing to post this time around and I spent way too many braincells trying to decide. Save my braincells, there are only a few left! In all seriousness, it would help if the choice were narrowed down to a handful of pairings rather than staring at the entirety of the pairings list and trying to pick one from it ^^;