Another Brief

Oct 05, 2006 10:48

Hey, gang. Katsuko signing in again to let you know a bit of what's going on challenge-wise.

As of today, judges for the yaoi/shounen-ai side of the challenge are myself and apollymi, while judges for the gen/het side are the_sweet and demoerin (who has volunteered in place of desolate03). This brings up another situation.

Neither Li nor myself has heard from Azurite in over a month. What this means for the gen/het side of the challenge is uncertain, but I can say right now that we (meaning Li and yours truly) have no access to the stories that may have already been submitted. Also, the page for the gen/het side contains some inaccurate information, such as where stories should be submitted to; the correct address is the one mentioned in my previous post and Li is not responsible for anything to do with that side of the challenge.

If anyone in the comm has heard from Azurite, let her know that she needs to contact Li or myself regarding the challenge soon, as we're getting close to the end now. It would be good to have all of the judges on the same page, after all.

Thanks for reading my babble, and good luck to everyone!

2006: affliates, 2006: judges, 2006: prizes!

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