Yay! The SoCal Cosplay gathering was yesterday and it was GREAT! Rayna slept over the night before, and she was hanging with my bro for her birthday. I was finishing up my Mizuki costume. >.>; The hand sewing took longer then I thought it would take. (It took until 3AM to finish it up) XD We left at around 10AM, and got there around 11:30. This was the farthest I ever had to drive anywhere, but it was a pretty easy drive! XD
We didn't have to pay for the gathering because of the park rangers. I feel bad, since I know it took alot of money to organize it. D: Got to hang with Steph, Deb, William, Nhung, Rayna, Joanne and Tram! I didn't see much of Nobu and Brian, but zomgg they were adorable! <3
Nhung got a new camera~ so she was testing it out by doing a photoshoot for Me, Rayna, Joanne and Tram! w00! I love her photos so much! Too pro! <333 I couldn't help but have Like a Boss by The Lonely Island stuck in my head while in the costume. Some pics!
Some of my favorite shots:
I look so damn serious here, but it's fitting. XD <3
My favorite shot from Joanne and Tram! Takasugi's like 'Yea, I own this place >:D'
Yay! Rayna's getting better at posing! <3
Also! MOTHERS DAY! I spent the entire day shopping and looking for ingredients for my mom's dinner! I cooked her Curry Beef Pasta~ I also bought some Gyoza for her, but she beat me to cooking it. XD; The Gyoza was really good. (Of course it was, my mom cooked it XD)
Doesn't that look delicious? XD My mom liked it! <3