Bit of news + YB pics, BB pics

Oct 03, 2007 23:36

Before I get to the pictures, and also before I forget, two pieces of information.

1) TOP lost 7kg(15lbs) during filming of 'I Am Sam'.

2) A fan who was at the taping of SBS Inkigayo said that Big Bang sang a remix version of 'Lie'. So we have that to look forward to this week. Maybe they'll sing the remix version on other shows. Hopefully it's good. You know how remixes can be.

3)They might be Ciara's special guest for her Japan tour this month. (Thank to juhjuh.) They will be promoting their Japanese (all songs in English) single album soon so that will factor in as well.

And now for the pictures:

Some Big Bang first.
credit: bestiz

Cuz Youngbae rocks the small, foolish world I live in.
credit: greenciel@bestiz

These, including the ones posted above, were all on 09.14.07 Jump Guro 'Open The Future'.
credit: BBflow

My hand hurts so I'll be going to sleep now. I hope that I didn't repeat any. After awhile they all became a blur to me. I think there's actually more pictures still left. *cries

info: japan activites, info: translations

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