Dec 27, 2002 23:36
Met up with S this afternoon to hang out in town, and hang out we did - in the waiting room of the Hollywood Secrets Beauty Salon (don't you just love that name?). S's appointment to get her eyebrows done was at 3, but by the time she was done and we left the place, it was already 4:45pm (bearing in mind the actual eyebrow thing lasted only 15min) and I had to run by then so it felt like the whole afternoon was wasted. But actually it wasn't - while waiting S and I got to chat and stuff, so at least we did some catching up, and that was good. I hardly ever see my old friends anymore, and when we do meet up time is always so tight, our few hours together feel unsatisfactory. Like for S and I - we don't see each other so often anymore, it takes us a while to warm up and get back into our rhythm, but by that time one of us has to leave, and so we never really get into our groove, so to speak.
And speaking of meeting up with old friends, I'm pretty irritated by the lack of interest/response from my junior college classmates concerning this gathering we're supposed to have this Sunday. I initiated this idea, and for the last 3 weeks I've been trying to get everyone to decide on a date and time when they'll be free. So we decided it'd be this Sunday, fine. I was to host it at my new place, as bare as it is - we figured it'd be fun to have a picnic of sorts in the empty place - and since I'm so free right now, I said I'd handle the stuff like mats to sit on, a small stereo for music, fans for ventilation etc. But what happens? Nobody (but a few) can commit to whether they can come on Sunday, no one can tell me if it'll be an afternoon or an evening thing, no one responds at all. So I've given up. It's off. We'll meet for coffee or something on Sunday, or we may not meet at all. Whatever. Since everyone's so busy with their lives and work, and since even responding to my constant emails and messages is on nobody's to-do list, why bother? No one else is.
Am I over-reacting? Possibly. I'm so frustrated, I might very well decide not to go for coffee with everyone on Sunday. If that appointment is on at all. I just really hate it when people can't even take a smidgen of time to tell you -
1)no, I'm not coming for the party, thanks anyway
2)yes I'm coming, but I'm really busy right now, can we deal with the details later?
I've realised that a lot of my stomach troubles come not from my diet, but the way I handle stress and frustration. All that gets balled up together in my stomach, where it stews in acids and later returns to pain me. Gotta find a way to release all this, let it flow over me. I miss my yoga sessions, I should find a way to get back into practice again.
Some days you win. Other days you lose.
hell is other people,