
Nov 13, 2014 22:05

Looks like the annual germ carousel is up and running again. The kids take it in turns to be sick to varying degrees and we pop by to see the doctor so often that the kids are totally familiar and at ease with him. Remember how The Bun used to be phobic about doctors? Well, it seems like that's passed now. He adores this doctor, and the temporary tattoos that are given out after every visit don't hurt, either.

Anyway, Bao's down with the scarlet fever. Yesterday morning she was bouncing around as usual while J and I took the cars to get our tyres changed. A couple of hours later, she woke up from her nap cranky as hell and limp as a rag. I managed to convince her to eat some lunch and she revived a bit when she realised her brother was home from school. Later on J took her temperature and it was 38.5°C. Funny how Bao is the one who's always getting fevers when she's ill, like that time when she was two months old and had a stubborn fever that wouldn't budge. On the other hand, The Bun has had maybe three or four fevers in his five years of existence and none of those ever broke through the 38°C mark, if I remember correctly.

I kind of suspected scarlet fever because another kid in playgroup had it about a week or so ago. It's just as well that we went to the doctor and started on antibiotics today. Bao turns two on Monday and it'd be awful if she were sick on her birthday. I also have plans to have a little celebration for her at playgroup and it would be a shame if we couldn't do that. She definitely knows what a birthday entails (candles! song! cake!) and she's started becoming aware of her friends at playgroup so it would be good fun to celebrate with all the other kids.

I haven't been finding much motivation to write. I guess a lot of my friends mostly catch up with me on Instagram, and if I post updates using photos and short captions, I get lazy about actually sitting down to write proper, cogent sentences. Today I thought about taking a hiatus from this blog for a while, just so I can shorten my to-do list or feel less guilty about neglecting it. Then I remembered how much I treasure my old posts and how they really captured so many moments of my life over the past thirteen years that it seems like such a shame to abandon it. So write on I shall, even if my posts are scattered and short.

meta, health, bao at one

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