Bao and I are both down with another bug, just one week after we managed to get rid of the tummy bug. This time it seems like some sort of virus that has given us both fevers, a nasty cough, and in Bao's case, a runny nose. I'm still hanging in there but Bao's the one with the fever that just won't quit and the cough that keeps her awake (and VERY cranky) at night.
All of today her temperature didn't go below 38°C despite medication, which is worrying. Her appetite has faded, she isn't sleeping well, and she's irritable as hell. I called her doctor and he's not working till Wednesday, and the other doctor at the practice was completely booked, so we'll see if her fever manages to come down tomorrow and then hopefully he can squeeze us in somehow.
Poor kid. She's spent most of this winter being sick in some way or another. J and The Bun are still fine for now. However, last week there was an email from the school saying there has been a reported case of head lice (!!) in his class. Now I am on Nit Patrol, which is not easy because his hair is quite thick. I think I'll trim it this weekend and get a good look in as well. He doesn't seem to be itchy, though, and he doesn't wear a woollen hat so I'm hoping all these are good signs. What is it, though, about thinking about lice that makes MY head feel itchy?! It's probably the ewww-factor at work, but I don't like these phantom lice anymore than the real ones. Argh, argh, argh.
On a better note, yesterday afternoon I took The Bun to attend a classmate's birthday party at The Little Gym.
The last time we were at one of these parties held at an indoor gym, he was very reluctant to leave my side and to join his friends in the play area. It took a lot of coaxing before he finally relaxed and enjoyed himself. This time round, he claimed to be nervous before we arrived, but once we entered and he saw his friends he quickly ran in to play without a backward glance. That's progress!
He also participated in all the gymnastic-esque activities even though I know that on his own he would probably try to avoid even attempting these unfamiliar games. I watched from the other side of the glass and it was good seeing him at least try, even though his hesitance was clear. On our way home, he was very pleased with himself and kept asking me if I saw him try out all the gym moves. I hope he gained some confidence today. Little, little steps.
It's funny how peer pressure works even at such a young age. When the kids were having their party snacks, I noticed the plate of raw carrot sticks and figured that The Bun wouldn't even bother touching them, since he's so resistant to vegetables. But when two of his friends grabbed a stick each and crunched down on them, he followed suit and finished the entire stick. I was pretty surprised; I bet that if I offered it at home, he wouldn't eat it at all.
The kids all received what I think is called a
bum sled as a take-home gift, a nice change from the usual sugary goodie bags given out at parties. Now we just have to wait for more snow to arrive over here. The winter has been milder than expected and next week the temperatures actually are forecasted to rise above 10°C, which is unusual for February. J and I had actually planned to take the kids up the mountains for some sledding and snow play this weekend, but now that Bao is down with the bug we'll have to postpone those plans. I hope we're clearing the worst of the bug soon for Bao - she hasn't smiled much at all for the last two days.