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Jan 01, 2014 11:53

It's 2014, and for once I've decided to make some resolutions to give myself some direction, instead of drifting around and complaining endlessly about my life.

1. To start my flash365 project up again. Although the photos are nothing to shout about, the project is actually very important to me because when I look back at all the posts across the years, I can really see how things have changed and how much I've gained. I first started posting in 2007, before J and I moved to NYC, and kept on going with only a few missed entries until last year, when the black hole I was in sucked away my motivation for continuing. I want to start it up again because our time here in Switzerland is precious, albeit mundane, and I know someday I'm going to look back on it and treasure this time when the kids were little and we got to experience a different lifestyle.

2. Drink less soda. I was going to say 'stop drinking soda' but I know that that's quite a stretch for me. I do know I tend to overindulge especially since we have a sodastream machine at home, so my aim is to have it in moderation and to be more conscious of how much junk I feed myself.

3. Be more proactive with friends. They are my second family and some of them have seen me in my worst times. Even though I'm geographically far away, there's no excuse for not being in touch more often and taking the time to do little things for them. I don't want to be as detached and distant as I was last year.

That's it, really. The more resolutions I make, the less likely I'll be able to hit my targets. They are definitely not difficult to do, but all of them require some level of motivation, which is what I need for 2014.

I'm moving the flash365 account to a new Wordpress one that is still under construction. I may or may not cross-post entries from this journal over to there. We'll see. I'll share the new blog link once it's up - I'm trying to import entries into that new space but it's proving slightly problematic, with almost five years' worth of daily entries.

Last night Bao slept well enough, although The Bun was the one who was woken by the loud firework pops. J carried him out into the balcony to look at the fireworks above the lake. It was very cold so we didn't stay out for long. After that, we drank some bubbly and I put The Bun back to bed. It was a quiet night in, which is all I wanted.

It's January again, another year is before us, and so here. we. go.

quotidian, flash365

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