day in my life: 11 october 2013

Oct 15, 2013 22:08

First documented day since our Big Move. My last day was in March 2013 - look how big the kids grew!

My morning kicks off at this time, when Bao wakes and demands to get out of her crib.

J and I bring her to bed to see if we can cop a snooze, but no luck.
At least we all get some nice cuddling in before the morning rush begins.

In the kitchen to put the kettle on.
I set up our breakfast as much as possible the night before
so it's not so crazy in the morning.

Wake The Bun up for school. He's pretending to be asleep in this picture.
In the meantime, J wrestles Bao into her clothes and starts breakfast with her.

Finally up and dressed.


Breakfast and lunch box packing.

My turn to scrub up. This'll do.

And we're off! The Bun to school, J to work, and Bao (and me) to playgroup.

As we approach The Bun's school, I notice the leaves are starting to change.
No pictures of drop-off because it's chaotic in the morning.

J is dropped off at work and I drive with Bao to playgroup.
It's in France so it's a quick drive across the border.

Here we are.

It's my turn this week to be in charge of the refreshments so I get started.

Surrounded by toys and all she wants to do is take her shoes off and wave them around.

Bye bye playgroup!

Almost home and time for Bao to take a nap.

While she naps, I have lunch and surf the web.
I eat a leftover apricot jam thumbprint cookie from playgroup.

When Bao wakes, I get some chores done while she 'helps'.


Glance through the papers in a bid to improve my mediocre French
and check on the weather outside.

Bao has lunch and skypes with her grandparents in Singapore.

Obviously this skype conversation is all about the baby and barely about me.


I clean up the kitchen while Bao keeps herself busy.

Off again to pick The Bun up from school.


I'm slightly early so I take a walk around and chat to a few other moms.
The Bun's classroom is in the building behind the tree.

Home again.

Set The Bun up with a snack while I try to put Bao down for a nap.

I declare nap FAIL after forty-five minutes, then hustle the kids into the car.
We're going to a nearby mall to run some errands and meet J for dinner.

Of course, Bao falls asleep in the ten minute drive there
and then wakes after I try to transfer her to the stroller.
We'll pay for this micro-nap later on at night.

At the mall, supposedly the biggest one in Geneva.
What, did you think the Swiss are known for shopping?

Treat The Bun to a drive-a-doudou (doudou is 'lovey' in French) ride
but he is terrified because it's too fast and he doesn't quite know how to control it.

Shop around a bit before the shops close at 7.30pm.
I fall in love with this ceramic bowl but it's just too expensive.

Hit a casual Italian joint for dinner, where we spot this very long pumpkin.

I'm so dumb. The one weeknight where I don't have to cook dinner
and I pick spaghetti aglio olio. You'd think I'd choose something a bit more complicated.

Pick up some groceries before we go home.
Here's some Spaghetti Giganti!

Throw the kids in the tub as soon as we get home.
It's almost past their bedtime.

Stories and shenanigans.

After the kids fall asleep I try to decompress in front of the TV
but Bao is overtired and not sleeping well, thanks to her micro-nap.
There's some screaming and a lot of rocking before she finally settles down.


Get some laundry done and a Sodastream fix before I call it a night.

geneva, day in my life

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