Nov 14, 2012 16:20
J and I spent part of the long weekend giving our kitchen a deep clean and decluttering. It's amazing how stuff just accumulates, and some of the stuff I didn't even buy - they were things that my mother gave to me because she thought I would use them, but really I just stuck them somewhere and forgot about them.
The whole process was very therapeutic, actually. I'm good at the ruthless, unsentimental throwing out; J less so. But when he's in the mood to clean and organise, he really gets down to it, so together we make a pretty efficient team. In the day we distracted The Bun with TV while we worked, saving the rest for after The Bun went to bed, working till 1am in the morning.
There's now more storage space (let's see how long those cupboards remain empty) and we properly organised our larder so it all looks much better now. I'm so pleased with it. When we lived in NYC, our kitchenette was so tiny and had virtually no storage, but we managed just fine while cooking much more often than we do in Singapore.
I've resolved not to buy more food or kitchen tools and the like unless we run out of them. If it doesn't enter the home, then it can't clutter it, right? But I know that my mother will bring in her arsenal of herbs and cookware when confinement begins. She likes to cook in a certain way, and as I mentioned in my previous post, she likes to criticise and manage my kitchen for me. Cutting things down helps to minimise chances of a battle - I hope. I guess this is what they mean when they say more than two women cannot coexist in the same kitchen space.