one step away

May 13, 2010 17:37

This weekend, J and I will be bundling The Bun off for a quick weekend getaway in KL. It's been a few years since I was last in the city; it seems so long ago when we used to drive up every six months, just to eat and shop. J has been eager to take The Bun with us on our travels, and keeps asking me if I feel restless, especially since in our pre-Bun days I would just up and go at the drop of a hat. Actually, I don't think I particularly feel restless, and truth be told, the worrier in me is more concerned with how The Bun would cope with travel, with the change in routine, the new environment and everything else in-between. The stress that comes with all this worrying and planning kind of negates any excitement from a trip, but I'm only saying this because I've never done this with The Bun before, so I don't really know what to expect.

But KL seems like a good testing ground for us. It's not too far away, so even if The Bun screams the plane down, the torture will only last an hour. There's no time change or jetlag to contend with. We're also fairly familiar with the city, so hopefully we won't spend half our time getting lost or haggling with taxi drivers. Anyway, our agenda is really simple - eat, lounge, swim, shop, repeat. Just good mellow time together, in a different city.

bellybun, travel

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