
May 11, 2010 08:24

My first Mothers' Day as a mother passed without much incident. I have never been much for sentimentality, especially when it comes courtesy of Hallmark. I have never celebrated Valentine's Day in my life and I doubt I want to go down the road celebrating something like Mothers' Day. Every year my family uses it as an excuse to go out and splurge on a nice meal, and the week before we already had our dimsum celebration and that was quite nice. If The Bun wants to do something for me when he gets older, that would be fine; but otherwise there is no point concocting my own celebration just because I'm a mother - as if I didn't have enough to do already!

Anyway I also spent it as a single mother for the day because J was away in Bali (!) for work. The Bun crawled around, tried to pull the dog's tail, and pulled up to stand on anything that would bear his weight long enough - business as usual. It rained. I had dinner with my parents at their place, we ordered in pizza. J came home. We went to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary.

This morning though, J and I were both awake at 6.30am (The Bun thankfully still asleep). I thought I'd might as well get up to get a headstart on chores and what-have-you, but J pulled me back in to bed and we had a very nice time cuddling and whispering nonsensical jokes to each other. These times are always the best ones to me, the kind I keep in my memory like small gems - the sunlight slowly trickling into the room, the sweet smell of The Bun in his crib beside me, the comfort of sinking into pillows and arms. We eventually got up and I made a run across the road to get a McDonald's breakfast to mark the day. I ended up with a Happy Meal for me (toy for The Bun) and a McMuffin for J, and we sat at the table smirking at clumsily-written news reports (Today, I'm looking at you, yes you) and looking at Facebook together.

So simple, so mundane, so good. That is all I need, really.

quotidian, j

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