Beyond The Crypt

Dec 30, 2005 00:38

Saying goodbye to The Crypt was, to say the least, a rather underwhelming experience. Here's what it was like:

Morning till 2pm: rehearsal
2pm - 3pm: lunch with colleague
3pm - 6pm: try to complete some work, give up. Finish packing stuff.
6.30pm: J comes by to help move my stuff out. The Crypt is silent, everyone's on leave (it's right before Christmas). A few people come over to say bye, good luck, etc which feels weird. I leave Christmas notes and small trinkets for some people who made working in The Crypt not so bad.

And that was it. Admittedly, I had expected a bit more of a farewell - perhaps lunch with more colleagues, more chats with people before I left, but it being the holidays and all, I had also forgotten that most people wouldn't be around. Perhaps this made it easier to walk away; sometimes I forget that a job is a job, and that the people you work with can be your friends but mostly, they're just people you see in the office.

Oh well.
Since leaving The Crypt I've found it hard to focus and to finish the two remaining projects that were left hanging before Christmas. I can't bring myself to sit and work with them, not with J around everyday (he took a week off) and the endless possibilities that come with that. I'm surprised at how quickly I've let go of the place, memories, disappointments, evil Big Fish, and all.

Christmas was good this year, and somehow also became a personal celebration for ending time with The Crypt. More on the adventures we had on Christmas eve later. It was family, friends, and good times.

This week has been (for me) dedicated to decompression. Sleeping till noon, curling up and re-reading my way through the Narnia series for an entire day, cooking and inviting old friends (I've known K since we were 8!) for dinner, watching the waves lap on my feet at the beach on Sentosa, napping in the middle of the day - I'm glad not to have anything on my agenda right now. I went to the university's department today to look for reading lists (can you see I'm trying to kick off 2006 on the right foot?) but apparently the entire place is as asleep as the rest of the country - productivity's at an all time low for this very last week of the year and there was little help.

Somehow closure all seems to come together - it was good to have this week of me (and J) time. Off to Bangkok tomorrow!

overworked & underpaid

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