I lied

Feb 20, 2007 20:52

Had to share....talking to the Boy on IM....

Boy: maybe you should be less mental and more physical :P
Boy: *realizes HE just said that*
Yffy: o.O
Boy: *crawls under a rock*
Yffy: lol
Yffy: poor Boy
Boy: cause we all KNOW I am the poster boy for being physical
Boy: *pulls rock down now*
Yffy: awwwwwwww
Boy: i just doodles a portrait of it :P
Boy: doodled*
Boy: im a crab in the portait :P
Yffy: lol
Yffy: share!
Boy: and the rock is held up by my claw :D

ETA: Be sure to leave a nice comment for the Boy since I left this unlocked so he can see it. :D

the boy, pics

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