Pay attention kiddies.... Cuz Sarah Plain thinks you aren't.
Now from
THIS she says:
"I would never presume to know God's will"
yet from this she has said: ...urged ministry students to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it "God's will."
...she said, she'd work to implement God's will from the governor's office,
..."God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.
EXCUSE ME?!? There's THREE instances in ONE speech where you are PRESUMING TO KNOW GOD'S WILL. What were you trying to tell Charlie Gibson up there? That you KNEW "god's will" in June, but now, suddenly, you don't? For fuck's sake, give us a break. These two statements were only THREE MONTHS apart. Does she think the American public is that dumb - that we won't remember what she's said in the past as she causally reverses her statements in the present?
"She said she didn't know if her son Track who is headed to Iraq was on a mission from God." Of course he isn't, because as we all know from your speech in June: "Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God,"
So, Track Palin, when you are asked, get it right:
You are on a "task" from god, not a "mission".
Do you think there is any chance Palin will clarify which god she is talking about? Because I am sure there are more than just christian americans deployed in Iraq. Or -wait - is she Polytheistic now? Is it a task from everyone's god? To include more gods would get her a broader base of voters.
Either way, since the Iraq war is now a "task from god", the agnostic and atheist American soldiers must be there just for the fun of it, huh? Or, like Bush Sr., are you just going on the theory that we non-religious types are not actual citizens of this country? It's funny to me that a former president did not (and probably still doesn't) consider me a citizen of this country, and yet... I was born here, I have a SS# from here, I have a job here, and mucho taxes get ripped out of my paycheck, right here.
This is ridiculous. It's 2008!!! I do not care what religion anybody is or isn't, it's a personal choice and it has NO PLACE in our secular government or this damn election. Say it with me now, Sarah: "Se-pa-ra-tion-of-chuuuuurch-and-staaaaate".