Nov 17, 2009 08:42
Escalation inside does not help with escalation outside. If we need to hurry up, we usually need to slow down internally. If we must face what feels like external opposition, internal violence is of no help.
Think of a situation you've faced recently. What were the external conditions and what was your internal state? Were you remembering to center, or was there agitation you were acting from? Did you feel well grounded or as if you were spinning hard and fast?
The more centered, stable and energetically calm we are inside, the more efficient, effective, quick and powerful we can be on the outside. Internal spinning or ramping up is not the answer - it tends to waste energy and leave us less focused or attentive. If we sense we are ramped up (or its counterpart, caved in), we can try not to speak or act immediately. We can attempt to adjust internally first, then see what options arise. Usually, there are far more choices at hand than first appeared.
As with anything, the more we practice this, the easier it becomes. If you wish, let's try:
Breathe with me. Find your center and notice your feet, connected to the earth. Assess your inner state. How will you choose to speak or act today? What gives you a real sense of your power?