Sick, medicine and blanket

Dec 23, 2012 23:37

Title: Sick, medicine and blanket
Author: yeyell15
Genre: Fluff?
Summary: Kei is sick and it's snowing hard outside, no more medicine left. What will Kota do?
Requester: koigaii
Choto STOP! This is a request sequel of koigaii's Snow (http:// )...if you haven't read it please do so~ it's cute! :D

“Woah!” luckily Kota evaded the book that was thrown to him by his pretty boyfriend “Watch it Kei!”

“Don’t evade it!” Kei grumbled and threw another book. “Stay still!!!!!!”

“Hey! Those are books that would hurt!”Kota again for the nth time evaded Kei’s wrath. “And don’t move around! You’re sick!” he pleaded but to no avail, Kei’s really mad. “What? You told me to continue my anger when we get home didn’t you?! So stay still I won’t get satisfied until I hit you!” another book. “Sto-“ Kei couldn’t finish his word as cough took place his anger. “See I told you…” Kota approached his fuming boyfriend and touched his forehead, “Hey, you’re burning!” panic run through Kota’s body, it was storming outside and Kei’s burning with fever, “God! What do I do? What do I do?!” he asked Kei and was answered by a glare “Don’t ask me it’s your fault I’m sick!” and that was it, Kota was taken aback by Kei’s words, it was really his fault that Kei got sick but he didn’t mean it.

“I’m sorry…” he mumbled as he lowered his head, feeling guilty all of a sudden. Silence filled the living room of their shared house for few minutes when Kei’s cough echoed in the whole place. “Water…” Kei said hoarsely. “Eh?” and Kota asked confusedly. “I said -“*cough* “I want water…” Kei repeated. Hearing his pretty boyfriend’s request, Kota immediately went to their kitchen to get some water and medicine as well but to his dismay, there were no medicine left. “There’s no more…” he mumbled while looking at the empty medicine kit.

Kota went back to their living room and gave a glass of water to the pale guy sitting at the sofa. “Kei…” he kneeled down to match Kei’s eyes and “...I’m going out.” upon hearing those words from Kota, Kei’s eyes widened and his brows furrowed. “Are you insane?!” Kei abruptly stood up which made Kota stumble and fell, butt first. “Can’t you see the storm outside?! Are you trying to kill yourself?!” He lectured making the older pout. “B-but there’s no more medicine…you’re having a fever…and it’s my fault“ Kota reasoned out making the latter squint his eyes, “You are stupid…” Kei sighed and plopped down on the sofa. “Don’t you dare leave” he threatened. “But you’re sick! And I need to get you a medicine“ Kota argued “Exactly! I’m sick and you’re going to leave me alone here, worrying for you?!” and he was taken aback by his pretty boyfriend’s words. Kota stopped arguing, he just stood there not knowing what to say.

“I’m getting dizzy I want to sleep!” Kei muttered his eyes closed.
“I’ll go get a blanket.” Kota gestured to get a blanket when a flying pillow hit his head “What the?!” he turned around just to see a pale guy breathing heavily because of the fever. “Kei?” he called, worry present in his tone.
“Just sit here and be my blanket, I’m cold…” Kei said making the older smile gleefully. “What?”
“Nothing~” Kota hummed as he sat beside his sick lover and pulled him into a tight embrace and Kei snuggled closer. “I love you, Kei…”
“Shut up, I’m still mad at you, I just need warmth right now…” Kei mumbled and in just few seconds he fell asleep. Kota stared at his face and said. “…you really are cute, especially when you’re sick…” with his smile never leaving his handsome face.

A/N: yay~ done…gaii-sama!!! it's done! LOL sorryyyyyy!! sorry if Kei turned out to be like that~ ;A; he’s sick so~ gyahahah!

Anyways! I hope you could enjoy this~ :D

*fanfiction, pair: yabunoo

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