The Last Fragment of the Lost Butterfly

Nov 21, 2012 00:13

Title:  The Last Fragment of the Lost Butterfly
Author: yeyell15 and ai_no_messeji
Pairing: DaiChii; YamaChii; TaDaiki; YabuNoo;
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Slice of Life
Summary: Two fragile and very lost butterflies tried to find a home that will keep them both safe inside. Yet as they travel along the land filled with tragedy and disarray; two people became their wings and fixed what’s been broken beyond repair. Just like Arioka Daiki and Yuri, two lost souls with only nothing in their mind but a wish to be in a place that can be called a home.

First Fragment:

The Lost Butterflies

「どれくらいの想いが まだ見ない明日へと届くだろう?」

How many feelings will reach the tomorrow we still don’t see?

One summer afternoon, Yuri met Daiki inside a train. They talked about things that happened about their day. Since the two, they had different places for their work. Daiki as a patisserie in a known restaurant, while Yuri as a journalist in one local fashion magazine. Although as they chat with each other, Daiki suddenly felt arms wrap themselves around his waist before-“...Boo! I caught you.” A voice huskily whispered against his ears, making him smile. Because nonetheless, even with his eyes closed, he knows perfectly the owner of those arms-the warmth and the way it fits magically against his waist. It’s so like him. It will never ever change. “Baka! You already caught me a long time ago~” Daiki smiled sweetly before it turned into a soft giggle.

Pouting, Chinen suddenly felt left out, especially since now he is feeling jealous and insecure of the couple in front of him. And, who wouldn’t be? Takaki is sweet. He is a darling, because he even bothered to surprise his Dai-chan. Unlike a certain chubby cheeked guy, who’s been neglecting him for days now, doesn’t even bother to do anything special for him. Since, as expected from his Ryo-chan, who is oblivious to his feelings and just born to be too dense to even bother on doing things such as, picking him up from work or just doing something mind boggling once in a while to make him feel loved, would be a miracle. Because may it be an apocalypse or a catalytic event, his Ryosuke; pardon his rudeness and act of cruelty to his very own boyfriend, will never give that much time. Well, he concluded so himself. Pouting more, Yuri just rolled his eyes and looked away. “…Tche, life is too bittersweet.” He sulked inside his head as he tried his very to stop the tears from flowing down. “…hate you, Ryo-chan.”

And after a few more minutes of the train ride, which the little one felt like eternity because the couple in front of him just kept on being all lovey-dovey, suddenly halted, smiled at each other before snickering like fools in love. Feeling more left out and jealous, the fed up little squirrel just decided to himself that he should get down on the next station, because if not. He might snap at the two, and that he didn’t want to do because why should he? The two are just being honest with their feelings, although it should have been less showy. Public display of too much affection is just plain irritating. However before he could even go down to the next station, someone pulled him and encapsulated him into a tight embrace, “…and where do you think you are going, Yuri?” A gentle and very sweet baritone voice asked that made him shiver in delight, “…Ryo- Ryosuke? When, what…eh?” he stuttered out and that made the other couple, whom the little one is accusing of too much public display of affection, *coughs* Takaki and Daiki *coughs*, laughed. “He’s been there. He came with me.” Takaki mused while snickering like a banshee, “…Yeah…” Daiki added out and that made Yuri more confused. Really, Ryosuke’s been there all along? And he was even cursing the latter for being such an inconsiderate lover, “…yo-you…why…you…why didn’t you?!” Chinen stuttered out. He just couldn’t complete his sentence; because one: he didn’t know how to react, two: he felt rather guilty and three: he just didn’t know what to say. He is just plain old shocked. That’s why rather than saying anything, his lips. It just formed an irresistible and very cute pout.

Ryosuke on the other hand, who’s been rather awestruck by his Yuri’s adorableness and cute reaction, suddenly felt a blush starting to creep atop his chubby cheeks. That’s why in a way to hide his embarrassment, he suddenly pulled his little love into a tight embrace, while incoherently whispering words like "...Too cute..", "...So adorable.”, “I want to eat you alive..." and so on.  Whilst Daiki and Takaki, who’s been their entertained spectator, just couldn’t help but to smile and to coo at the younger couple’s adorable love, “…you two are just too cute!” the older two squealed like a bias fan-girl to their loved OTP.

However things aren’t always what they seem, because one fragmented moment later. A long sound of a beep from his alarm clock woke him up and broke his fairy tale and his happy ending. Because in reality, Ryosuke does not belong to Yuri and Takaki does not belong to his older brother Daiki. Their love is one-sided, better yet; it’s good to be termed as nothing. All is just an illusion of a dream his and his brother will never have-ever. “Rise and shine, sleepyhead, it’s time for you to wake up and us to head to school.” His brother gave a smile, which to Yuri’s eyes is all out a pretend, because knowing his brother, who’s really not good at hiding things, especially from him, is suffering. He knows. Yet, he decided to shrug it off. He knows how sensitive his brother is after finding what’s really happening around their house. However as Yuri examines his beloved brother, he couldn’t help but notice the new bruise a top his brother’s pretty face. That’s why he suddenly jolted up and grabbed his brother’s face, “Niichan, did he-“and he was brushed off suddenly by a soft pat that landed on his cheeks, “C’mon now, no more questions. Go and prepare yourself, I’ll fix breakfast.” Daiki assured, before a kiss landed atop Yuri’s forehead. “I love you, Yuri. Now, go take a bath. You reek.” He joked out, but that didn’t erase the worry evident on his baby brother’s cute face. “But those bruise…” Yuri insisted on asking, but, just like earlier, was waved off by his brother’s bright smile. “Yuri, this is nothing. No need to worry, I just bumped somewhere…” a hoarse laugh and that made Yuri frown.

Determined to ask get the truth from his brother, he was about to ask again. But when a sudden loud thud was heard from their living room and Yuri’s name was being called. Both of them stopped and looked at each other with fear lacing on both their lucid eyes. “Uh-oh…” a cruel joke, “…he’s mad again. Now you slowpoke hurry up!” Daiki said as he left their shared room. Although unknown to Daiki, little did he know that Yuri noticed the way his body tensed and the way fear stroked lightning fast in his brother’s beautiful brown eyes, “Niichan-.”

Yet, Yuri knows to himself that he couldn’t do anything. Because if he did, he might as well get the same beating. And, he really hasn’t fully healed yet; and that’s the reason why his brother has always been there to feign things off. Even though he knows-or rather, the both of them know that. They might as well be damned than to try to fight back. After all, being found dead is not something to wish about. They are having too much as it is. They can’t just lose each other. Not now, not ever. “…fine,” Yuri scowled as he threw a stare filled with daggers at his older brother’s retreating back. “…go hide what that fucked up bastard is doing to you. It is as if I don’t know that he is also damaging you.” He bitterly spat as he slowly took his things so that he can take a bath and leave this scorn house of theirs. However, before he could even step inside of the bathroom, he heard a sudden clash of plates on the floor. Panicking, he hurriedly rushed to the kitchen to find Daiki, being choked by that damned bastard whom they both call as their-“…Da-dad…s-stop…I-I can’t b-breath…” -father.

“…You sick fuck! What are you doing to niichan?!!” Yuri screamed as he dashed towards where his brother and their father are. And when he reached them, without a second thought, he pulled the older man’s arm away to free his older brother from torture and death. But it was useless; their father was far stronger than any of them. Because the moment Yuri tried to pull his father’s arms away from his older brother, he was easily shoved as his back hit the kitchen counter. Thump-“Argh…” Yuri grimaced in pain. He hit the counter too hard, his vision is spinning around. Although he did not let the pain get to him. He thought more of his beloved Dai-nii. “…nii-chan,” Yuri moaned in pain as he tried to stand. But to his surprise, his father is there in front of him and suddenly started to kick him hard, making him fall back lay flat on the floor as he held on his stomach, coughing and trying to catch up his breath. “…da-damn…” Yuri wheezed and coughed very hard as their father continue on to kick his abdomen and curse him for being born.

Daiki, on the other hand, tried his best to just stop their father from hurting his still healing baby brother. “Dad…” he choked back a sob as he tried his very best to pull and ease his father’s anger away. Yet everything is futile, because he is not strong enough. He is not even strong enough to protect himself. So how can he even save his little brother from this monster they call their father? Questioning himself more, the older one couldn’t help but just let the tears flow. He’s just desperate-desperate to save Yuri-his only considered true family. “…nii…cha-chan…” spurts of blood coming from Yuri’s lips, “…ru-run-” the little one rasped before he pushed with all his strength their father and grabbed hold of his older brother’s quivering hands. “…run!” he shouted.

And with his last bit of strength, held tightly on his brother’s hand and just run-run towards the door to see the sky that’s being chastised by the rain. “…safe…” Yuri beamed before he slowly collapsed on his brother’s embrace. “…bro-broth…er…’afe…”


--I want to sleep forever.

To be continued.

Yeyell’s Notes: Hallo! How are you? Ha-ha just kidding! Anyways~ Look! It’s a fic from Ai-sama!!! :D and the disciple Me! This is actually just a fun game for us, but see it turned out to be a chapter-ed fic! This started when she text-ed me that she didn’t want to talk to the person who was with her in going home…and since it is RARE! For Ai-chan to message me that long *hides from Ai-chan* I’m just kidding!!!! *A*  and I liked how she started it and because I LOVE her and *shing!* it is a fan fiction now! Well I myself don’t know how this thing would end but I’m really looking forward to it! <3 So enjoy reading! *waves hand* Ai-sama!!!! <3

Ai’s Notes: Actually, this started out as a game that I asked her to play with me to pass by the time, while going home.  We did it first through mail. I mailed her and asked her if she could like message me so that I won’t be able to talk to the person I am going home with. He is just too awkward for me and that’s the mere reason why I don’t want to talk to him. So, yeah, I started it off with the first sentence. By the way, I asked her to write with me a story. It’s like a story rally game. You add things to my last sentences so that we can make a story. And conceptually, this is how it all turned out. But in the middle, she’s been too curious and asked me of the whole plot framework. She’s been intrigued. I told her and now we’ll still be doing our story rally game, but now we’ll be following a more conceptualized plot. So I hope everyone will like this. :D This is actually done by both of us. In every chapter bits and pieces will be framed by the two us. I just did the proof-reading that’s why my writing style is so evident.

pair: yamachii, *fanfiction, pair: yabunoo, pair: tadaiki, pair: daichii

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