The Fabulous and Extravagant Lives of Celebrity Pets

Aug 03, 2008 11:56

TITLE: The Fabulous and Extravagant Lives of Celebrity Pets
CHARACTERS: Tinny, Pi, Hime, Pin, Nyanta, Ran, Wagahai
MENTIONS OF: Tegoshi, Yamapi, Akanishi, Koyama, Kamenashi, Shige
NOTES: I'm not entirely sure about all their names. I'm going off extremely vague memory here. Feel free to correct me.

tinny, the pretty pretty princess.

When Tinny was very little, she was happy sleeping on the old blanket at the foot of Tegoshi's bed. She was young and foolish and hadn't yet realized that she was better than an old blanket.

But the night that Tegoshi returned home from a concert late - 12:45am - and found all his nice, soft, flannel blankets torn off the bed and turned into a cocoon on the floor for Tinny, he made a mental note to do something about that. And then he collapsed into bed.

So the next day, he set out and bought a pink velvet doggie bed and had the name "Tinny" embroidered along the edge.

Upon seeing it, Tinny was pleased with Tegoshi's work - this was certainly the bed that a dog of her stature should be sleeping in!!

However, this wonderful doggie bed was a little too big for Tinny, and decided that she wanted to fill the extra space with chew toys and cute things. So when Tegoshi woke up, finding his iPod, cellphone and favorite sweater in bed with Tinny, who was guarding them all quite fiercely, he went out to buy her something shiney and distracting. After having received many a new gifts from Tegoshi, she relinquished the old items.

Tinny is quite pleased with Tegoshi - he always very willingly does her bidding.

pi & hime, the mischievous duo.

"You definitely won't beat me today!!" Hime barks, running back and forth through the hallway.

"I'll win! I always win!" Pi barks back.

Yamapi shoves his head underneath his pillow and swears at his dogs. Knowing he won't actually be able to sleep through all their noise, he throws back the blankets and stands up from his futon.

And as he takes his first step, Pi runs between his legs, startling him, making him trip and fall flat on his face. Yamapi groans into the floorboards while Pi and Hime keep barking.

"I'm winning! I'm winning!" Pi barks. "Today's score so far! 1-0, Pi's advantage!"

pin, truly man's best friend.

Every day, when he hears the key turn in the lock, Pin breaks into a frantic run for the door. The second it opens, he takes a dramatic leap and promptly starts attacking Jin's feet.

Jin laughs, not caring that the dog is in the way of actually getting inside, or that these are his new 20,000 yen boots. Instead he kneels down in the entryway, rolling around on the floor with his dog.

nyanta, more of a evil mastermind than we will ever know.

Koyama's dead asleep in bed when Nyanta goes to work. Padding quietly as ever, he walks to the entryway of the house and sits on his haunches next to Koyama's dark blue bag.

The shoe is more amusing for me, since I'll get to see his reaction. But if it's the bag, then he'll have to deal with a stinky, icky bag all day.

Nyanta licks his paw and rubs his head, But if I take a too drastic action, this could all back fire on me. If he's forced to use the bag all day, he'll probably come back home irritated with me.

Standing up and arching his back, Nyanta jumps down into the small entryway, The shoe it is then.

In the morning, after Koyama wakes up and Nyanta gets to hear his disgusted scream, the cat is pleased with his decision.

mister, living the simple life.

For once, KAT-TUN, as a group, finishes all their work early, so after catching a quick dinner with Kame and Kouki, Nakamaru goes home and leisurely hangs out.

He settles down at the low table in his room and Mister immediately appears, laying down and snoring quietly at his feet. It provides a nice background noise while Nakamaru reads about industrialization and conservation and struggles to make sense of English.

Once his brain is sufficiently fried, he stands up from the table, and meanders out into the living room, Mister trailing behind him the whole way. There's a cop drama on, so Nakamaru lays down on his stomach on the floor, a pillow propping up his head. He feels Mister settle down near his hip.

Around midnight, Nakamaru's sister arrives home from hanging out with her friends at karaoke, she stumbles slightly in the hallway and opens the door in the family room, wondering who's still awake - but no one is. Her older brother is out like a light on the floor, TV blaring with Mister still at his side.

ran, ever the good girl.

Kazuya is, generally speaking, always busy. Ran understands that fact very well - he did bring her home from a photoshoot after all. So, most days, she only gets to see him for a few minutes before he stumbles off to bed. She doesn't complain that most days it's Mama-Kamenashi or Younger-Brother-Kamenashi, even sometimes Papa-Kamenashi, that take her for walks or brushes her fur, or squeaks little toys in her face.

But when she hears Kazuya open the door and mutter, "I'm home," in a tired voice, she trots to the entryway and sits down near the wall, giving Kazuya all the space and time he needs to untie his boots. And once he's done, he always turns to Ran, kneels and says, "Were you a good girl today, Ran-chan?"

That's when she leaps up, front paws on Kazuya's knees and licks his face, welcoming him home.

omake! wagahai, more a person than a cat.

Shige arrives home one day to find nearly every flat surface in his room covered with tourism pamphlets. Wagahai looks up from a brochure about India but doesn't say anything.

"... What is all this?"

"I was thinking of taking a little vacation." Wagahai goes back to the brochure.

"A vacation from what? It's not like you work. Ever."

Wagahai closes the one about India and moves to one about Vietnam, not responding to Shige.

Shige puts down his bag and clears off some space on his bed to sit. "Don't go to Southeast Asia at this time of year. It's too hot."

"I wasn't going to go there first," Wagahai says, dog-tagging the pamphlet about Vietnam. "First is a tour of England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany - all over Europe, really - then I'm going to spend some time in the former Soviet bloc, then down into China and if everything's okay in Tibet, I really want to make a side trip there... and then down either into India or Vietnam. That would be around mid-October as far as I can estimate."

Shige looks at Wagahai and sighs, "You'd better bring me back some awesome souvenirs."

"I'll try to remember to send you a postcard or something," Wagahai says.

indiv.: kamenashi, indiv.: tegoshi, indiv.: wagahai, indiv.: yamapi, r: g, #one-shot, &intergroup unity, indiv.: jin, genre: humor, genre: crack, indiv.: nyanta

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