Who knew the pronunciation of "mayonaisse" could keep three people laughing for so long?

Sep 20, 2003 23:23

Sad news: I've found it more difficult than I thought it would be to keep up reading a daily Psalm. I thought I'd be able to do it every morning on the bus ride to school, but somehow I've fallen behind on doing that. It has nothing to do with embarassment or anything; I don't know what it is. The week I started I noticed a total change in my behavior and I loved it. But the week I started school and my reading became less and less, my behavior changed back to how it was before - not good. I tried to read during break but I always found I had something to do =/ Grr...
So this past Wednesday was See You At The Pole, and if someone had not told me the previous Sunday, I would not have known about it. But thankfully someone did. So Tuesday I made an announcement on the air during the news inviting everyone to come and join but it didn't seem as though many people were paying attention. So Wednesday mrning I'm at school at about 7:15 hoping to start by 7:30, but the janitor doesn't open the doors until 7:30 and I didn't know that. So by the time an announcement was made over the PA to those who were at school and I was ready to go, it was about 7:40 or so. So Coop and I go to the flagpole and Cappy joins us a short while later. We start calling people around to come and join us but they acted as though we were kidding or like prayer was the weirdest thing - this at a CATHOLIC school... But by we were joined by a few other people so it was good. We started with a beginning prayer, then broke into groups of 3-5, and we had three prayer topics and then ended with a prayer. I wanted to do so much more but I was thankful that we did what we did. I'm hoping that the people who did join get something out of it. I was quite surprised that only one other person joined us as we prayed amidst all the people who passed us to get to their lockers. But it's ok. Wherever two or three may gather, so shall the Lord be. All in all it was a good morning =)
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