Supernatural, The End, I Made It !!!

Sep 29, 2015 22:40

My Supernatural odyssey started in July when I bought all the Supernatural DVDs. I started watching season one on July 9th and in nine days shy of three months I have ( Read more... )

journey's end, supernatural

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Comments 19

nutmeg3 October 2 2015, 01:19:33 UTC
Go you! I need to see if S10 has come to Netflix yet, because I'll record S11 but I can't watch yet. Argh!


nutmeg3 October 2 2015, 03:05:27 UTC
YAY! Thank you.


yeuxdebleu October 2 2015, 03:07:03 UTC


sireesanwar October 2 2015, 21:08:45 UTC
1st I can't believe you've watched all the episodes and their commentary let alone everything else you've watched or read. Holy crow that is amazing.

2nd I hate LJ because I set it up to send me an email every time you posted and it hasn't done it once. It just dawned on me I was missing everything you post except you haven't posted a lot recently... and I see why. LOL

3rd the show and the boys are amazing and it is sad they haven't gotten an Emmy but then shows like this never do. They do however, get tons of other awards and those are usually the ones the fans get to pick.


yeuxdebleu October 2 2015, 22:37:03 UTC
Well, I did little else every evening since July 9th except watch SPN or read about it at SuperWicki and look at Con videos. I really miss it so maybe I should go back to the beginning and start over. LOL

I used to get emails every time certain people/communities did a new entry, but I gave that up in favor of having notices sent to my LJ inbox. It's faster and doesn't flood my email inbox. When I did post at LJ, it was mostly to my SPN filter group giving my thoughts by season on what I had seen. I still have seasons 8, 9 and 10 to write about.

It occurred to me after I said that about the Emmy that maybe the show and the cast HAD received the award before I got interested in the show. But you're right, something like The People's Choice Awards would mean much more to them since they are so beloved by fans. You're right, too, about shows like this...and Outlander...and Sons of Anarchy don't usually get the big awards. Too many awards go to dumb comedies and rom-coms.


sireesanwar October 2 2015, 23:00:14 UTC
LOL I started Season One on TNT and I've watched some of it but I can't keep going right now what with all the shows coming back. I'd forgotten about that Orchard episode about the town. Freaky.

I don't like using the LJ Inbox. All the new stuff is at the top and I like seeing the oldest stuff first so I can go through it. I have it all set to deliver to a specific folder in my emails so it isn't cluttering up the Inbox and I can see there are messages.

It's true. I am disillusioned by the Emmys. It is all politics. You are basically paying to be nominated and/or win. It's worthless really.

Yes, I think I would prefer a People's Choice rather than an Emmy. I think mostly you don't earn those.


yeuxdebleu October 3 2015, 00:06:48 UTC
You mean you started watching season one of SPN on TNT and haven't watched anymore since? O_O Not sure what you mean about the "orchard episode." You mean the one with the scarecrow?

Hmm, I wonder if there's a way to reverse the order in the LJ inbox. I try to make it through all the entries every day or two so it doesn't bother me to have them list the newest first.

The Emmys, Golden Globes and the Oscars have ALL become politics more than merit. You can buy a nomination if the studio has enough money.


hello haroldmarvk April 26 2022, 12:31:07 UTC
please my dear write me back to email so that i will tell you why i contacted you (


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