On to Season 3...I Can't Seem to Stop Myself

Aug 01, 2015 03:03

I told myself I was going to take a short break after season two, but SPN is like crack...and I'm addicted. I watched the first three episodes tonight and loved, LOVED, LOVED them. These guys just get better and better.
The lowdown )

season 3, supernatural

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casey28 August 2 2015, 02:08:00 UTC
SPN is like crack...and I'm addicted.

Yay! :D

Magnificent Seven - I like when Pride calls Sam "the boy king". And Ruby's entrance is epic. I love Katie Cassidy, too.

The Kids are Alright - The end scene with Ruby is really good. Poor Sam finding out that all his mothers friends were killed by the yellow-eyed demon. And now he knows that Ruby is a demon.

Bad Day at Black Rock - This ep is so funny! Love it!


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 04:53:32 UTC
All three were terrific episodes.


casey28 August 2 2015, 05:03:33 UTC
I'm glad you liked them all. TBH, I'm not a fan of the first two eps (except for a couple of scenes), but I love the third one.


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 05:20:50 UTC
I didn't care for The Magnificent Seven in its entirety either, but it had its moments. Tonight I watched two more and Sin City wasn't a favorite. More about that when I do my next SPN post.


casey28 August 2 2015, 06:26:09 UTC
As a season opener, The Magnificent Seven is a much weaker ep than 1.01 and 2.01. Those other eps focused on the brothers, and the plot of the ep related directly to them. But the third one focuses more on the guest stars, and it lacks the depth of the other two. And with 3.02, I'm not a fan of the Lisa and Ben storyline.

It's not a big favorite, but I like Sin City.

The nice thing about SPN is that pretty much every ep has some good scenes/moments, even if the ep isn't a favorite.


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 06:28:58 UTC
The nice thing about SPN is that pretty much every ep has some good scenes/moments, even if the ep isn't a favorite.

That's definitely true.


casey28 August 4 2015, 20:39:59 UTC
Most seasons have a few duds, lol. But even they have their good moments.

Have you been watching more eps this week?


yeuxdebleu August 4 2015, 21:06:10 UTC
Yes, I've watched eight more since my last update. I've just put off writing about them to post about some other things. I don't want to lose my readers who aren't SPN fans. Although nearly all of my US readers ARE SPN fans. LOL


casey28 August 4 2015, 21:16:41 UTC
Wow, 8 more eps. I always love reading your reviews. :) Oh man, I have folks on my flist that don't watch SPN, and I'm squeeing about it all the time, lol. I guess they don't mind too much.

So that means you've seen Mystery Spot... my favorite ep! A Very Supernatural Christmas is also a fav.


yeuxdebleu August 4 2015, 23:38:53 UTC
I'll get back to you on this.


casey28 August 5 2015, 00:40:06 UTC
It's ok. We can talk about it when you post about those eps. Take your time, and post when you want to.


yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 03:16:48 UTC
I'm going to start writing my recap now, but I can you this much, I really liked the Christmas episode, but I loved!! Mystery Spot on so many levels.


casey28 August 5 2015, 04:14:43 UTC
I look forward to your next recap.

I have different levels of favorite eps. So, I love the Christmas ep, but Mystery Spot is on the top of my favorites list.

Yay that you loved!! Mystery Spot so much!


yeuxdebleu August 5 2015, 06:13:33 UTC
I just posted my latest recap -- eight episodes. The episodes where either of the boys is super emotional just rip me apart. I guess that means I'm really invested now.


casey28 August 5 2015, 15:48:38 UTC
I'll go to your recap post now. Aww, you are very much invested. <3


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