Season Two, Six Episodes

Jul 29, 2015 23:51

I watched six more episodes tonight and because that was rather a lot. my comments will be a bit briefer this time. It was the first time since I started watching that there was an episode that left me cold...only the plot, I'll always love Jared and Jenson whatever the episode.
The Next Six )

season 2, supernatural

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casey28 July 30 2015, 04:21:04 UTC
I love all of these eps. What is it about Houses of the Holy that you didn't like?


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 04:31:02 UTC
What didn't I like? I just found the plot kind of ridiculous...not that most of the plots actually make sense. LOL I liked all the discussion between Sam and Dean about faith and beliefs though. The fellow being skewered by the metal pipe was pretty cool, too.

My favorites from tonight's viewing were Playthings and Born Under a Bad Sign. I loved Jared in the latter.


casey28 July 30 2015, 05:00:14 UTC
Well, people do all kinds of strange things in the name of religion, so the plot didn't seem too weird to me, lol.

I liked all the discussion between Sam and Dean about faith and beliefs though.

I'm glad you liked that part of the ep. Sam wanted so badly to believe, because he thought it was the only way he could be saved. I loved when Dean said that he was watching out for Sam.

Playthings and Born Under a Bad Sign are both great eps. I love the scene with drunk Jared, and him pleading with Dean to keep their Dad's promise. Yes, Jared was amazing as demon Meg. The opening scene is so beautifully filmed, with Dean so worried about Sam. The entire ep is fantastic.

Loved that the secret finally gets revealed in Hunted! The end scene of Nightshifter is epic. Tall Tales is hilarious, with the boys telling Bobby their different pov. Great lines, like "slow dancing with an alien", lol.


yeuxdebleu August 1 2015, 23:35:10 UTC
In the special features Jared said his wrist was already broken in Playthings and they only found out half way through filming. He chose not to get the cast until filming was finished since so much had already been filmed without him wearing it. What a trooper.

BTW, did you make this icon? I don't have it identified in my Photobucket. Dawn thought it was yours.


casey28 August 2 2015, 00:12:50 UTC
Yes, he's quite a trooper. He's so dedicated to his work.

Thanks for asking. :) Yes, its my icon. It's from this post...

I think I might start using it. His hair looks so gorgeous!


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 05:15:23 UTC
ooh! Thanks for the link. I took a Jared Santa and one I liked better of Jared's long hair. My favorite of your icons is Jared and Jensen hugging. I don't use it a lot because I figure it's a favorite of yours, too.

I had uploaded most of my SPN icons to the main page in my Photobucket, but I was acquiring so many I decided to make a sub-album in my SPN album just for icons. When I moved them there, all my descriptions disappeared. O_O I note who made an icon when I upload it so suddenly I didn't know which were yours and which were Dawn's. She identified hers so I figured the rest had to be yours, except for four I remembered where made by angelus2hot.

Yes, he's quite a trooper. He's so dedicated to his work.

As evidenced by the fact that he filmed "Playthings" with a broken wrist and wouldn't get a cast until he finished because some of the episode had already been filmed without it.


casey28 August 2 2015, 06:09:59 UTC
You're welcome! :) I'm glad you found more icons that you like. :)

There's a few more posts here that you may not have seen...

My favorite of your icons is Jared and Jensen hugging. I don't use it a lot because I figure it's a favorite of yours, too.

That icon of Sam and Dean hugging has been my default since the middle of season 6. Sometimes I want to change it for something else, but I can't seem to part with it, lol. Feel free to use it as much as you like. :)

Sorry to hear that your icon descriptions disappeared! I'm glad you were able to figure out who to credit.


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 06:26:40 UTC
Thanks for the links. I'll check them out tomorrow. Kinda late here now. I just made this one tonight and I rather like it. In the full size photo, you get a good look at Jensen's green eyes.


casey28 August 2 2015, 06:37:01 UTC
You're welcome. :) That's a lovely icon of Jensen.


yeuxdebleu August 2 2015, 06:38:57 UTC
Thanks. :)


yeuxdebleu August 3 2015, 04:41:33 UTC
Playthings and Born Under a Bad Sign are both great eps.

Maybe you know this, but in the special features on the DVD, Jared said they found out about halfway through filming Playthings that his wrist was broken (filming a previous ep), but he wouldn't let them cast it until he finished filming. He didn't want to suddenly appear with a cast in Playthings. Such dedication.


casey28 August 4 2015, 20:56:19 UTC
I've read that Jared broke his wrist when he was filming Bloodlust, and then he couldn't wear the cast while filming Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things. Playthings is the last ep where he wears the cast.

Yes, it took a lot of dedication for him to film an ep without a cast, when he needed one.


yeuxdebleu August 4 2015, 21:03:02 UTC
Yes, that's right about Jared breaking his wrist while filming "Bloodlust," but I've obviously got the subsequent episodes mixed up. I just remember he said when filming whatever came next, he did it without a cast because part of the episode had already been filmed before they realized his wrist was broken.

I've watched so much so fast that things are starting to blur.


casey28 August 4 2015, 21:41:14 UTC
LOL, perfect icon. :D

It's hard to remember all the details of SPN stuff, so no worries.

I've watched so much so fast that things are starting to blur.

Aww! Of course things will start to blur... you've watched so many eps, so fast. I've seen most of the eps more than once, but I don't remember all the little details, all the time.


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