Season Two, Six Episodes

Jul 29, 2015 23:51

I watched six more episodes tonight and because that was rather a lot. my comments will be a bit briefer this time. It was the first time since I started watching that there was an episode that left me cold...only the plot, I'll always love Jared and Jenson whatever the episode.
The Next Six )

season 2, supernatural

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keeper_of_stars July 30 2015, 04:20:26 UTC
I got really excited when I saw Tall Tales on your list for the night!

Hunted: Ava is awesome! (The actress is killing it as Margot Verger on Hannibal right now.) She's a cool character.

Playthings: This is a classic spook house episode with a touch of Voodoo. (Love things that deal with Voodoo.) The ending of this episode is great and I love Dean picking on Sam when he's sick, lol.

Nightshifter: LOVE LOVE LOVE this episode. Ronald was awesome and his death broken my heart. The friendship between him and Dean was sweet. I always laugh when Ronald says he doesn't like Sam. The end shots of this episode are perfection.

Houses of the Holy: Yup. Exactly. But the Spongebob altar does make me laugh. :P

Born Under a Bad Sign: GREAT episode. The use of The Doors was excellent and I loved Joe. And Bobby! And posessed!Sam! And the joke about Sam being posessed by a girl, lol.

Tall Tales: THE TRICKSTER!!!! He's another favorite of mine. He's right up there with Bobby. This episode just cracks me up. I love when they do comedy episodes, they're so good at it. But... TRICKSTER!!!!!


yeuxdebleu July 30 2015, 04:45:33 UTC
Oh yes, love Margot Verger on Hannibal.

Sam puking in the john was funny and Dean's comment about the best cure for a hangover is "a greasy pork sandwich served up in a dirty ashtray" cracked me up.

Ronald was so cute with his mandroid obsession and dislike of Sam.

So you felt the same way about Houses of the Holy. You're right about the Spongebob placemate being used as an alter cloth. :D

Yes, Dean's line was funny about Sam being possessed by a girl: Dude, you -- you like, full-on had a girl inside you for like a whole week. That's pretty naughty. That made me laugh out loud.

Both of the guys are terrific at deadpan comedy. The reactions are so great when one says something funny to the other. I've been told that the Trickster will be back. \o/


keeper_of_stars July 31 2015, 03:58:25 UTC
Ronald was so cute with his mandroid obsession and dislike of Sam.
I love that he just looks at Sam and is all, "but not you. I don't like you." And he says it was so much passion, lol. I've seen that actor in other shows and he's always wonderful.

So you felt the same way about Houses of the Holy.
SPN does a lot of twists on different religions and generally, I like those episodes. But this one, with the glowing/vibrating statues and stuff... it was just silly. And not in a good way.

Both of the guys are terrific at deadpan comedy. The reactions are so great when one says something funny to the other.
They're great with straight-up physical humor, too. They do quite a few funny/spoof episodes and they're usually the best.

YUP, the Trickster will be back and he's pretty important. (Not to mention really cute, lol.)

How are you feeling about Bobby now?


yeuxdebleu August 1 2015, 23:30:29 UTC
YUP, the Trickster will be back and he's pretty important. (Not to mention really cute, lol.)


How are you feeling about Bobby now?

Lovin' him. I knew he looked familiar. He was in Justified and Revolution and he's going to be in Crimson Peak. I can't wait to see that: Jessica Chastain, Charlie Humman and Tom HIddleston. What a cast and it's super creepy.


keeper_of_stars August 3 2015, 03:45:00 UTC
Oh yeah, Jim Beaver pops up in a lot of stuff. Did you ever watch Harper's Island? He was on that as well.


yeuxdebleu August 3 2015, 03:50:48 UTC
Yes, I started watching that, but didn't stay with it long enough to remember much.


keeper_of_stars August 7 2015, 03:43:56 UTC
He was good on it, but his part was rather small.


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