I came across
THIS ARTICLE today and must say I totally agree with all of it.
The composition of the Academy Awards eligible voters: "(For the record: 94 percent white and 77 percent male, with an average age of 63, according to a 2012 survey by The Los Angeles Times.) It's a sad reflection of a year when a number of good, great, and lousy fictionalized true-life biopics about allegedly great or somewhat interesting white men are well-represented, while one of the very best-reviewed movies of the year [Selma] went with hardly a single relevant nomination, wrote Scott Mendelson at Forbes."
And that in a nutshell is what I find most dismaying about the Academy Awards voters. The Lego Movie, an animated film that millions have seen and loved, was snubbed. I wonder if the older Academy voters even know what Legos are. "Selma" received very few nominations. Could that be because it was released late (Christmas Day) and Paramount Pictures chose not to send advance screeners to the voters? Why??? IMO, the studio has only itself to blame for the lack of recognition. It seems to me that the 93 members of the Hollywood Foreign Press, who vote for the Golden Globes nominees and winners, always do a better job of getting it right than the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences does.
I admit, I don't watch award shows expecting the most deserving to win in any category. I love movies and I like to see the people who make and star in them. But I have to agree with the famous movie critic of all time, Roger Ebert, who said. I lost faith in the Oscars the first year I was a movie critic. You nailed that one, Roger.