To Marry an English Lord

Oct 28, 2013 19:44

I just finished reading a fascinating book titled To Marry an English Lord.

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wealth, marriage, heiresses, royalty

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yeuxdebleu October 29 2013, 00:47:35 UTC
It is very intriguing. And yeah...just what we both need: More books.

I just saw a book series rec at an LJ friend's entry. I know you like saga books and so do I. This one sounds very good.

I have a recommendation for you: A series of 6 books called "The Lymond Chronicles", by Dorothy Dunnett. Follows the life and career of the Crawfords, an aristocratic family in Scotland. The stories span Europe and the UK from Henry the VIII's reign through to Elizabeth, with stops at the Crusades, the seraglio of Topkapi, the France of the DeGuises and the Tsars in Russia, and Dunnett mixes fictional characters with actual folks (e.g., Nostradamus) It's not a bodice ripper - it's an incredibly sophisticated look at the politics and religion of the times. But it IS sexy and funny and exciting and addictive.

I ordered the first three from, used copies for only one cent apiece. O^0 If they're good, I'll let you know and will probably loan my copies to Georgia. The best family sage series I've read have been recommended by her, starting with Outlander.


_celebrian October 29 2013, 01:07:32 UTC
Oooo! I have actually read or listened to all 6. They are not quick, easy reads. Particularly the first one. My friend, and the founder of the OBC, just published a Guide than gives history, explains quotes and more. If you are interested, the link to purchase is here:

Also, there are Lymond Chronicles threads at the OBC and quite a few fans there if you want to discuss the books. I'm not the biggest fan, but we are hoping to do a group reread with the help of the Guide and I think I'm likely to love it more with discussion and a second time through when I'll likely catch more of the allusions (and there are MANY!).

I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts on Lymond. Our reread might start in the new year, so then I might have more to say than I do now with my poor memory.


yeuxdebleu October 30 2013, 00:25:37 UTC
Oh great, you're familiar with these books. I received an email today that the three I ordered have already shipped. Thanks very much for the link to the guide. I'll probably get that, too. I love my Outlander companion book. I only wish Diana would update it.


yeuxdebleu October 30 2013, 00:46:47 UTC
I just ordered the Guide so I certainly hope I like the books. Found it cost less than the prices shown at the link.


_celebrian October 30 2013, 14:38:00 UTC
I bought it directly from the author for a signed copy (since she's a friend) and the price was as expected, but I used a gift card I received as Volunteer of the Year back in May and hadn't used yet, so it's all good.

Here is a link to someone's blog devoted to pics relevant to the Lymond series. Thought you might find it interesting/useful:


yeuxdebleu November 2 2013, 01:21:06 UTC
Thanks for the link. I've bookmarked it for future reference when reading the books.


nutmeg3 October 30 2013, 00:49:06 UTC
I'll be very curious to hear your thoughts on the Lymond books. Several friends raved about them to me, but despite trying at least 3 times, I couldn't get more than about 30 pp into the first one.


yeuxdebleu October 30 2013, 02:27:08 UTC
If you don't read the first book, do subsequent books make sense?

Sounds like "Pillars of the Earth." That is one of my all-time favorite books (Ken Follett is a favorite author), but I know quite a few people who thought it was too slow getting out of the gate and gave up on it. I begged and pleaded with one of my best friends to try again. She did and ended up loving it, too.

As for the Lymond books, since so many people have liked them, I'll definitely give them a more-than-fair shot.

I have that icon, too. It says all anyone needs to know about me. :>)


nutmeg3 October 30 2013, 02:30:40 UTC
I never tried any of the subsequent books, so I don't know. My problem wasn't that it was slow, I just found the writing incredibly irritating and willfully opaque.


yeuxdebleu October 30 2013, 02:54:37 UTC
Hmm, that's an entirely different problem. Hopefully, it will get better as I progress.


_celebrian October 30 2013, 14:43:29 UTC
The first book is decidedly the toughest. Dense, too many allusions, too many other languages without translations. If I didn't have a cheering squad of people who love the books and whose opinions I respect I would have given up.

That said, I am still not nearly as big a fan as several friends, but the later books did get easier (although I didn't love the second as much for different reasons) and I think they are very good books.

As I mentioned to Yeux above, a friend has written a Guide to help with the first book and we plan a group read and discussion, so if you are interested and need a little moral support, you are welcome to join. I think we'll start in the new year.


nutmeg3 October 31 2013, 00:06:51 UTC
Thanks for inviting me. It's certainly worth a try. Will you add me to the list (nutmeg3 at livejournal dot com) and give me a heads up once you've picked a start date? I'll get it for my Kindle (because I have no idea where the paper copy is) and probably buy your friend's guide, too.


_celebrian October 31 2013, 00:39:03 UTC
Hi nutmeg! Glad you are interested in the group read. That will actually be on a different board, the Outlander Book Club, (, where we mostly focus on Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series (which Yeux highly recommended to me years ago which prodded me to try it since I'd heard about it before but hadn't gotten to it), but also has sections for other books/series, including a Dunnett section. The author of the guide is the founder of the OBC. You do need to register at the OBC and post an intro in order to be allowed to post yourself, but you don't have to include anything too personal or detailed and it's a very nice board with lots of interesting discussions, IMO. [Just so you know, I am a mod on that board, so I'm probably a little biased, but there is basically no flaming and plenty of thoughtful discussion, so I think it really is a very nice place. You can read some threads yourself to decide whether you want to register.]

I will keep a note to myself to let you and Yeux know when we have a start date in case either of you would like to join us.


_celebrian December 9 2013, 21:26:58 UTC
I tried unsuccessfully to email you at that livejournal email address. In any case, if you look here: you will see the plans for the group read of Game of Kings. Things are not completely set yet, but I think there's a good idea of how we'll be doing it.


nutmeg3 December 10 2013, 02:28:51 UTC
Thank you. I'll check it out. I don't know why the address didn't work. You replaced "at" with @ and stuff, right?


_celebrian December 10 2013, 02:37:37 UTC
Yup. I replaced the "at" and "dot". Not sure what the problem was. I suppose it could have been a problem with LJ or something.


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