69th entryyy of.... BS

May 09, 2009 14:04

Too much.. fish... orz
I think I got a cold now T__T
All I have been doing is BAAAAAWBAAAAW'ing lately because of school.
School, i decided, is the root of all my problems.
1) Gain weight from stress (noo fat-ass-ery T__T I can't drink water during class, i bring one apple and some bree and go 6 hours with nothing and, the food in vending machines will just make me fatter. ugg cheetos and pop tartes! eeww T__T )
2) No video games (mostly because if I play them, family gets on me about doing homework, even if  I don't do it regardless, playing game is sure sign of dicking around)
3) Tired-ness (I go to sleep at 8pm and I'm still tired because of waking up at 6am! CURSES)

I just wish it was break so I won't feel like crap all the time. My schedual of getting up at 3pm, staying up until 6am does wonders for my health y'know? It's my yearly stint of becoming anemic :D (i can go all day on one hot pocket... mmm gamers diet.)

Finally, creepy shota-bongun! :DD

I forgot what it says when it does this, but its suggestive...! /shy

Soooo gonna get one when I gender change /gg hmm... what to name it...lol


omg im dieing here. I don't want to go to school. I'm getting that fever... shack-happy fever. I'm laughing right now from lack of contact with the outside-internet-ness. Can you feel it?! oh gosh hahaa!!

Lets see... 26 more days, thats 24 days when i go on monday and 23 if i don't go monday. 18 more school days + 1 half day. 12 more days not including finals. 4 more weeks?! Well, its 3 not including finals which i can deal. T__T
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