Apr 16, 2009 18:21
omg I had a crazy awsome dream. D: almost as good as the queer eye for the straight guy and nick cannon epic dream D:
Basically... it was like real life WoE XD
The place looked like... this HUGE building with all this different rooms, the main room looked like some imperial castle... either that or like some really tacky china-town restaurant threw up all over it... but it looked cool!
But anyway, you could like tele to different rooms.
I remember, yelling at my guildies like "what?! Everyone else is trans!! I'm gonna die~~ ;__; "
Then I was like... deserted. Hiding behind corners... I saw this one guy, I don't remember If it was a bard or sinx (some weird cross of it orz dream...) but he was by himself, and i started slinging arrows at him like "pwa pwa pwa---" and his health was like waaaay down and i thought "fuck yeah i actually got this guy!!" but all of a sudden his health started going up and I saw a preist start heal him orz
I used fwing somehow orz
Sooo I teled like into this fight with a rogue and something else, and couldnt get my fwing to work lol.
It was funny, instead of the hotkey box, I had like.... this little 7-day pill container looking thing, and the Fwings looked like rock candy haha
As with all my dreams.. i ended up as someone else, some guy that looked like saijo from lux-pain (oh god my dreams are so dorky with this faggotry orz)
Anyway, I was all by myself, and I knew I was gonna get shot down somehow, and i saw this girl biochemist and asked her just to kill me because i was gonna get owned somehow or another (I've been in this situation many a times in pvp orz)
Then she did some crazy shit and turned out this little peice of candy and I ate it and died.
Theeeen (this has best part lulz) I woke up in this future steam-punk looking town, and i saw this tombstone (it was like *futuristic*) and on the tombstone was a picture of my male-dreamstate-self and it said "he was a good kid" or some shit haha
oh god it just keeps going but im gonna finish.
I started watching these two boys (I think they were my friends) One was tall, the other short, don't remember anything else.
Anyway, they saw *something* i don't remember what, but it lead them to believe i was still alive and i was like "IM RIGHT HERE"
but, they ran down this road of trash (it was like a junk-yard) to this big lot with these cars that looked like they were from grease or someshit.
This other group of boys were hanging out looking at the cars *this is the best part because when i woke up and recalled this i thought "wtf im i on!?"*
this one "girl" with this big hair came up to the tall older boy and started messing with him,(also now I just realize I am now the tall boy orz) it made me angry so I started to fight with "her" and pulled off the hair.
I was like "o____o itsa dude!?" then the tranny was like "OOOO don't you remember me?! i'm OOO!!" me: "OMG It is YOU!"
then i woke up hahaha. Like I said, awsome dream... awsome dream...
I also think the tranny said his name was like... "rabbit-tail" or something crazy hahaha