Blessed be the few hours between Barack's victorious win, and the shocking realization of Prop. 8's passing. It might be the only time I was genuinely satisfied with politics and felt a feeling of comradeship with my fellow Americans... from the time I first voted 8 years ago, for the next several years.
I drove home election night in tears, depressed. Betsy, the neighbor's cat fell asleep on my tummy (which is the technical term for "stomach" when a cat is laying on it). This offered some amount of condolence, but not nearly enough. I didn't get up the next morning until I absolutely had to for work... at 2:30pm. I felt like the world had declared me insignificant, unimportant. I was humbled more than any person should ever feel... as though I wasn't even a real person.
The feeling is passable. But the shock of a blow so terrible is bound to swell at first, and will certainly leave a bruise.