reasons for ecstatic nature :D

Jun 06, 2005 23:22

these last couple weeks have been absolutely amazing!!!

last week of school: fun stuff. pondering over things that happened in the past. what i would have done differently, what i'm glad happened the way they did, and things that are given enough credit for the effects they brought with them. overall i'm glad to have experienced highschool, middle school and elementary school in randolph. the people i've become friends with are truly amazing and i'm grateful for the chance to get to know them better. i have alot of good memories from school over the past 12 years. it's been good. school actually ahsn't been that bad. it's moreso the homework that i hated. but when you think of it, how amny people to you get to meet at school? chances are that a majority of your friends are those who you've met at school or in some way related to school. in the end it's all good. there of course things that school brings about that you'd wish had never happened, that you think it would've have been so much better if you didn't go to randolph schools, but it's these bumps in the road, or sometimes walls that you crash into on the road, that help define you and teach you. everywhere you could go, you'd probably encounter things like these. both good and bad things that go into helping define you. i think randolph has given me a variety of these things and i'm grateful for em. i'm proud of the way i've turned out, how i've reacted to failures and successes in life, and things that are still unknown. it's the skepticism that keeps me pondering... pondering my future and what lies out there. i use strategy to counter the unknown when i can, and it's worked for me for the most part. actual class for the last week, was spent slacking off, remembering, and rejoicing that it's over. got your yearboks the last day, 7th period, got some good signage going on. i still got a few people i wanna get signatures from.

transition week: eh. it was alright. kinda boring. alot of it was boring. moreso just time to hang out again with friends. ballroom dancing was actually pretty fun i think. CPR was extremely boring. the basement stuff was repeatative of what has already been taught.

prom experience: absolutely amazing!!! best dance i've been to, despite the fact that i didn't even go with Lauren as my date. still got in some good dancing with her though. the limo...was nothing special. it was huge... but that's the purpose of em. photos at the gazebo were cool. hanging out with everyone, awaiting the dancing. prom afterworks were amzing too!!! some great memories from that. lol. spoon fight! doan's qoute of the! getting to chill with Lauren the whole night was amazing! she's phenomenol!!!!!!

time between prom and grad: great hanging out with everyone. Lauren especially. senior bbq was good, then ghetto beach, then watching saw at michelle's. great conversation on the way back from alyssa's to retrieve magiano's leftovers. starwars doubledate on friday, good stuff. air-hockey tournament status: yet to be commenced. pre-grad party at doan's was fun. gotta get together for vollleyball again sometime.

graduation: was HOT!! i think it finally hit me during jame's speech that we are indeed leaving RHS. it was fun, in our little ceremony, our last stand at RHS. we did it. we graduated. we were great and we sucked, but we "sucked with flair and style" so it's all good. got my diploma! it's small and semi-intersting. after that, went home to have dinner with my family. was gorged on food. then off to ray's party. that was good. hanging out, then playing some frisbee, then inside again, then some latenight frisbee again.

today: r&r.

tomorr: hopefully the beach!

Lauren: absolutely amazing and phenomenol!!!!!
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