Aug 27, 2012 08:45
we lucked out and the new apartment building gave us a free months rent and is allowing for half of Octobers rent to be prorated if we agree to a september 15th move in date. so i guess its actually official that were moving in three weeks, and it couldnt be soon enough. im so very tired of the gang initiation fights in the park and the drug house next door with all its screaming crazy people in the middle of the night. oh, and im beyond tired of the people in our building who think our dogs are going to kill them so they avoid us entirely in the hallways and wont ride the elevators if we step in first. this morning a woman actually made broad sweeping gestures and loud hissing noises at anais. the whole time anais just sat there wagging her tail while this woman worked herself into a fit hissing and gesturing like a crazy lady. im glad she didnt get into the elevator with us, i have literally never seen anything like that before. that was way high drama for a monday morning.
so now im just waiting to speak to a lawyer this afternoon who may be able to help us but at this point im absolutely fine walking away from this shit hole.