Title: With a Happy Mind (Let's All Go Together)
Pairing: Yesung; Yesung/Heechul if you like... close your eyes
Rating: G
A/N: the solo yesung fancams of him on the steps are just too much, too cute for me to handle and i got ;-; a bit.//not beta'd pls point out mistakes; for
polari_s It's beautiful.
Seeing the large group of people in a single file, all of them blissfully forgetting the strenuous rituals they'll be put to after like, the routine of being a star they have to learn to handle without breaking to have the brief moments of unadulterated joy when you can perform and do what you love.
They're amazing, really.
He's taking slow steps down the stairs when he stops and sits on the top step, just enjoying the view of his hyung and dongsaengs enjoying the fruits of their labors and being with the people they've all grown with for years. A mixture of young men and women who were brave enough to follow their dreams. He'd proud of all of them, himself included. A few are missing though, it's not like it's hard to realize this; the line could have afforded to be 7 people longer.
His eyes are about to get misty eyed when he locks eyes with Jonghyun and he sees the younger man indicate he come down with his head. Jongwoon stands, making to leave but simply chooses to stay, now seeing the file of singers with thousands of fans as a backdrop.
Jongwoon claps softly in time to the music and then sees Heechul turn to him and pulls a Girl's Generation member, the happy mist over his eyes can't even see a face as they come to stand at his side. He's content with a hyung and dongsaeng at his sides. This is the type of support group they've had to have the past few years, each other. Two more girls and a Shinee boy approach where he stands as well and his smile broadens. None of the f(x) girls come but that's okay, they'll learn how the support system works soon enough he supposes.
At the end of the song, he's pulled to the main floor by a hand and tries to nudge in between the immense line, but finds it hard. Perhaps the other side then, he should stick to his own boys after all. He runs into Eeteuk as fire works set off and nudges him some before pretending to shoot at his hyung with his mock handgun with the kind leader playing along. He's a few feet away once he's looking away laughing and Donghae fires the last shot for him.
The SM support system never fails, no matter the situation.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwJc1hmkX78you can find yesung sitting by himself and then with ppl joining him in any let's go on a vaca fancam :3 , title from let's go on a vaca lyrics