Untitled;; Minwook

Jul 24, 2010 02:02

Rating: PG
Pairing: Minwook
Summary: --
A/N: just some minwook fluff/romance

Chaste dollops of warmth and moisture are dropped over the swell of his shoulder and slowly transitions towards his neck. He turns to give the other his back as if to say stop, let me sleep or possibly now kiss me here.

Sungmin's mouth keeps to his heated skin, lips and tongue picking up miniscule traces of salt off him.

"Look back at me," Sungmin softly speaks into the empty curve of Ryeowook's neck. The other shakes his head and kicks at the sheets to push them off, he's heated, fevered even.

"Don't think you get to be a spoiled princess just because it's your birthday." He smiles as he makes his accusation and blows over with his breath at the scattered patches of wet his tongue has left behind on that corner of Ryeowook's upper body.

"I think I'm entitled." He has only been able to claim the extra year for the past half hour or so but still, it's his day and he wants to spend it however he wants.

The sounds of ticking alarm clocks and even breathing counteracts that thought. He'll be able to spend the few free hours he has of sleep however he'd like, he's already sold the majority of his hours to the company. He turns over finally as Sungmin rolls back some as well. They stare contently at each other without a word or thought passing between them, they're simply peaceful.

Prolonging their silence, Sungmin nudges Ryeowook's toes with one of his own and the latter looks down past both their bodies to their toes. It's much too early on his birthday for this, he thinks and gives Sungmin his back once more. "I'll see you in a few hours."

A good near 19 hours later, they're laying in bed once more, this time Sungmin's. Ryeowook's body this time doesn't taste as salty this time. Despite the shower from a few minutes ago, the taste of sugar jumps out at Sungmin's tongue every few inches. They're both particularly lethargic after their schedules, so they forego whatever personal celebration they would have planned. Sleep is priority.

"I think you're done licking away at the icing already."

"Am I," Sungmin asks as he smirks against the peek of the other's collar. He nips at the jut of bone and takes personal victory at the gasp that reaches his ears. "That's enough. I'll see you tomorrow."

Sungmin however is only partially listening to the order. He calmly lays down beside Ryeowook and his kissing finally comes to an end. The beginnings of sleep are easily about to envelop over Ryeowook, but then he feels the flutter of a touch at the level line of his thin legs.

Ryeowook lifts a particularly lazy hand to swat away at Sungmin for once and for all. The resounding smack that cracks in the silence proves that it was well aimed.

"Like I said, I think you're done."

otp:sungmin/ryeowook, rating:pg, fandom:super junior

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