Day off? What day off?

Nov 24, 2011 14:11

There is no such thing as a day off as a woman. Not unless you're living on your own. Yup, I totally hate this part of being a woman, where you get up when you wish you could sleep for another six hours and was expected to do a whole lot of things ie, your bloody house chores with your mom. It's a total suck fest when my idea of an off day is to simply chill out and do NOTHING! And it doesn't help that my way of working and hers are at absolute odds with each other, for example, I'm definitely the type to hang my laundry indoors rain or shine because I don't want to content with bird craps and other unmentionables but of course I get why people do that but we're well underway with rainy season down here in Singapore and the sun only comes out for a few hours. So why can't she save the energy of picking the half dry laundry up before the sky opens up and pour its contents? That's the deal with old people, they're too set in with their ways just because they used to do everything the hard way and thus expects us to do the same thing as well which I am so not doing even if you pay me millions.

And I have to go to my brother's house to help with wedding preparations which is certainly at the bottom of my list of things to do during my off day when all I want to do is watch the last installment of Harry Potter DVD which my other brother just bought. So do you see? Us women have to do every thing! I sometime think that men have it easy. Other than bringing in the dough and procreating and doing some other stuff which requires their muscles which I guarantee is seldom, they are good for nothing else! Which is the main reason I am never gonna get married. Don't get me wrong, I love men but I scorn them at the same time because deep down inside they're just a bunch of mammy's boy who expects to be served on a silver platter. Just look at my dad, although I'd give him credit that he does help my mom a lot in the kitchen but damn does he gets on my mom's nerves sometimes. So I for one do not see the appeal of marriage but I'm digressing here.

Like I say, what Bruno Mars is singing is definitely the perfect idea of an off day. Now if only they practice moving out of your parents home once your an adult, I would work my ass off just so I could get my own apartment, preferably a shoebox (small space limits the knick knacks you stuff inside) with only the essentials and no black furnitures (I hate them, you can see the dust from a mile away!) so the minimal amount of time would be needed fro cleaning coz I'm no domestic goddess here, I can do them but no one said I should like them so yes that kind of place would be perfect for me who's a class A couch potato.

Too bad they're big on filial piety over here, besides, it won't be doable here in Singapore coz the housing prices here are ridiculously high you have no idea.

Sigh... time to go and be a slave and make nice now. My mom's itching to go *rolls eyes*

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