May 04, 2004 20:46
hmmm looks like im going for the one entry a month thing. o well. Friday was my dance performance at the high school. haha were sooo no. actually were white, well ashton and i are, and ailis only a quarter black so shes mostly white. auroras hott but were all retarded and wore beaner shoes (ugh the saga of the shoes! yea i hadda go to northridge to buy adidas in kids size for two 45 second dances) so basically it sucked and we danced with 5 year olds. but pelple came like kati and kelly and alex and jill and mackii and jills mom and my mom...yea. so afterwards jill took us to see mean girls. haha. i love lindsay lohan. shes sooo much better than hilary duff. highlihgts: "hes almost too gay to function" "man candy, stage right" and some girl gets hits by a bus. yea weird but o well. then saturday we danced again at conejo valley days and kati, johnny, cody, cory, and dustin came. we talked danielle into dancing with us so we wouldnt look too bad. too bad i screwed up. ha! phew thats over, at least until summer...
so AP tests are this week and im not exactly sure how i feel about that :-\ so since i STILL havent done those study guides...well ive been working i just still havent FINSIHED them...i have to do those before the AP test on friday. too bad everytime kelly and alex and i get together to study we end up doing all of our art history instead cuz colell is retarded. that test isnt even until next week. ugh! well im gonna be a very good kid and study everyday and do my homework. yay!
i think i did well on the biology test today. teaching half of it to kelly and then to felky yesterday made it stick in my little brain. yay! i should do that more often; then wed all get better grades! =D and thats always good.
hmm i hafta do the english stuff that was due friday too, da...rn. sorry, i kinda have school on the brain and prolly will until after my last AP test next week. then its partay time! whooooooo!
we really need to play human socom again sometime soon, cuz thats great fun and good exercise too. twiango button! pistow, wyfow, bathookah! why did we talk like that??? o well, it was funny; i almost peed...literally.
i miss my becka. shes been gone so long! =( get better babe.
and my kati too. remember: ill always be there to tie your shoes, except when im not. i love kati! hee hee.
mk im done i gotta work and besides, frasiers comin on soon (yes, i watch old people shows)
uh! push it! push it reeeeal good!