ACTION ALERT- Thurs March 6, 7 pm: Teaneck NJ: An extraordinary event you won't want to miss

Mar 02, 2003 23:28

First some breaking news -- wonderful news -- about the town meeting next Thursday night, March 6th at 7 pm in Teaneck that we'd like you to attend. Then, at the end of this e-mail, a bit about the town meeting that just wrapped up in Jersey City. It had a tangible impact on the fight for marriage equality in New Jersey. We emerged with new support among the public officials present, part of a jam-packed room of 314 people. It was the largest crowd for a community event in the history of Hudson County.
1. THURSDAY, March 6, 2003 at 7:00 pm, Ethical Culture Society, 687 Larch Avenue, Teaneck, Bergen County: There will be two EXTRAORDINARY speakers and an exciting interactive format to maximize your opportunity to ask questions. The town meeting, sponsored by 67 organizations, is the fifth town meeting in our series, "SUPPORTING ALL ROADS TO JUSTICE: Marriage Equality in the Courts, Domestic Partnership in the Legislature." As always, we invite you to attend no matter where in New Jersey you live or work.
Now about the Thursday, March 6th speakers:
-- One of the country's most renowned religious leaders, The Rt. Rev. John P. Croneberger, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, will speak IN FAVOR OF marriage equality for lesbian and gay couples. The support of Bishop Croneberger and his Diocese -- encompassing seven counties in Northern New Jersey with a total population of 3.6 million -- reflects the rapidly growing support for marriage equality among clergy members and people of faith across the state.
-- The emcee of town meeting will be Assemblywoman Loretta Weinberg, the Majority Conference Leader in the Assembly and the highest-ranking elected woman in state government. A champion of civil rights, Asw. Weinberg is chief sponsor of the soon-to-be-introduced domestic partnership bill. At this town meeting, she'll be providing an invaluable update to our community. Please attend to give her a great send-off as she embarks on her next steps for justice.
2. Now about the just-completed town meeting in Jersey City and the developments it produced:
-- The Deputy Speaker of the New Jersey Assembly and one of the most respected public officials in the state, Asm. Anthony Impreveduto, not only came to the town meeting, he also criticized the state Attorney General's move to have the lawsuit for marriage equality thrown out of court. Asm. Impreveduto publicly rejected the Attorney General's argument that the marriage equality is not a matter for the courts. Asm. Impreveduto also announced his personal endorsement of marriage equality for lesbian and gay couples. We are thrilled.
-- Other public officials tonight also expressed their support for the community. Two of them said the lawsuit for marriage equality had a "strong" basis for success.
Every legislator and senior staff member present was blown away by the turnout and said so flat-out. The turnout made all the difference in the world.
What does that mean? That all of you who've been attending these town meetings are playing a vital role in bringing New Jersey closer to full equality. Please keep coming to the town meetings, including next Thursday, March 6th at 7 pm, 687 Larch Avenue in Teaneck, and please keep bringing your passion. Each town meeting is educating different public officials.
As always, these organizing e-mails are meant to be read and spread. So long as we keep the momentum, nothing is going to keep us from the dream.
All best,
Steven Goldstein with Lambda Legal
Cell (917) 449-8918
Phone and Voicemail: 732-828-6772
P.O. Box 11335 New Brunswick, NJ 08906
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