This is what you get when you combine that "one sentence from your WIPs" meme with open letters to your fics.
Dear "These Graces That Hold Me":
Please stop being so difficult to write. Also, please stop throwing Fang's verbal mannerisms into my everyday speech, thanks.
"There has to be a way," she says while the very beginnings of a plan spool together in her head, tightening tiny knots in the loose, unravelled mass of threads that her mind has become.
Dear "Gifts and Treasures":
Something needs to happen, damn you!
For all that this crumbling castle was brand new, was potentially lethal territory, following Yuffie was exquisitely familiar.
Dear "First My Left Foot":
An actual plot--or at least a few more specifics on the conflicts--would be nice. So would a first line.
For an instant Lightning entertained that idea that if she'd known this was what Fang and Vanille had meant by, "Wake up," she'd have stayed asleep.
Dear "Hollow Hearts":
Please, please, for the love of the Watergod, PLEASE decide whether you're an angsty examination of moving on/nightmares, or whether you're a moody (but snappily witty) exploration of nightmares, growing up, and friendhsips that become something up.
Vincent's 'do something about this' expression turned sour like vinegar, morphed from mild disapproval into full-blown 'You are a bad influence on children, I KNEW it.'
This entry is actually a crosspost of
this one on DreamWidth; to reply, head
have replied over there.