Writer's Block: Words that you love and hate

Jun 08, 2007 01:13

What are your favorite and least favorite words? Any reasons why?

i dont know why live journal cares what my favorite and least favorite words are but i can go on a rant about how i hate when people i dont know come up to the counter and ask sincerly how my day was. like they really care, i called one couple out on it once. they were a mid-late 30s couple. asked "so, HOW are you tonight?" as if they care. i said that. "im fine, but do you really care?" they looked so shocked
i mean....do people reall care that im stressed, tired, most likely am hungry and have to pee cause where i work its one of us for 6 hours and you cant pee unless you close the doors and lock them and cant do than unless there is no one in the store. like they care. like htey care what my life is like. like they care im broke and lonely and moving in the middle of finals weeks and failing my classes and having a mental break down before im even 21. like they care. stop asking me, you fuckers. fuck. fuck you.

oh. as for words i hate and love....
i hate the word coexist. 
and racist
and i hate when people use my name in hatred. i hate hearing it more than anything. its so painful

but i love anything thats said to me if its said with meaning

its 1.15am  and i have my final section at 8am tomorrow. i drank half a bottle of vodka by myself. im going to go to this class, because i have to ask the TA if she really thinks i deserve a C on the paper i just got back, cause i dont. a B maybe. i am not a C student. 
i have to wite 2 10 page papers. i have a test. i am fucking falling apart and no one is here to catch my peices as  they fall. no one cares. they can tell me over and over but actions speak louder. 
i will move from here and re write my life. 
the only person i truly need right now is so far away. 
i need to just leave with him and never come back.
i love you chris.

writer's block, words

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