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Apr 12, 2007 23:31

so somewhere between pretending im intellectual by understanding kojeve's interpretation of hegel (apperently a mis-interpreted interpretation) and pretending im intellectual by understanding aristotle (because, honestly, who doesnt) i kinda realized that socrates was right in saying that "all i knonw is that i know nothing". 
the more school i have, the more i realize it. i sit here, reading a psychoanalytical book for a class called "politics of recognition" (a title i dont even understand, if that gives any hint as to the class) and i sit there, i i read it, and part of me is saying "yeah, the master clave dialectic,, yeah desire is desiring that which someone else desires, yeah recognition is the want to have the other know your wants. and i it all makes sense. 
but then, it doesnt to me, because where do i fit in? we talk about identity politics, but what if you dont have an identity? and the master slave dialectic, but what if there is no master and no slave? this was relevent politically when there was a call for things like it, but what about now? i guess i could be a slave to the capitalist system, which i fully understand, but if i understand that i am in bondage, that negates my bondage, because by fully ralizing my self as autonomous, i negate my full slavery to the master/system. so then what am i? can i be self-subjugating while still relying on others? aristotle says that there need to be slaves, since not everyone wants to be a fully realized citizen. i belive him, but i think i still believe less in democracy more than ever. 
i got in a huge fight at a party at a co-op in santa cruz because im white. somehow. somehow, a person can thrust an identity on me, and hate me for it. let me back up. from what i gather, (i wasnt there at the time) my friend Chris was outside the party when a group of latino people came out, keep in mind that they were LEAVING the party. one says, to Chris, "I hate crackers, i hate white people". he, drunk, says "well, i hate ignorant mexicans, but you dont see me getting in their face about it".  one girl kicks Chris in the balls. lightly. so, now, who is wronged? cut to back inside the party. two girls, friends of the leaving group, accuse Chris of making the group leave, but being racist. somehow, they turned the whole situation around to make it sound like he justk, for no reason, started spewing racist statments. the girls blame him for being white, male, and privledged, and blame him for 500 years of oppression on people of color. keep in mind these girls go to the university. he doesnt. oh, and he's part native american. a point that, when he brought it up, and metioned something about buffalo, they turn around and make it seem like he is attacking native americans. it was so stupid. they yell at me for defending him. they call me racist for it. as if i had anything to do with the fact that THEIR friends, who were already LEAVING, somehow decided to leave because of Chris. Which is why i hate school. they accused me of tokenism when i mentioned that why would i be racist if i have a latino boyfriend. they told us to leave, since we were making people uncomfortable. they were yelling at me. i was ttrying to talk to them. so we left. and we took people with us. they took some argument they read in a book about why they should be angry at anyone that isnt them and took it out on people. these are the types of people that are so hypersenstive to everything, its stupid. they are taught to be that way too. so, moral of the story, school leaves you confused and hating life.
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