A random email that then got too deep to send.

Feb 10, 2006 00:41

Im not sure if your still awake, or even if your on your computer...
But anyway, hello! How are you?
I discovered today that at the minute I have the least patience of anyone I know, in fact, of anyone full stop.

I went out and all was grand, I saw friends and people I know, had a diet coke (sad I know) and was doing my thing on the dance floor. There were a LOT of cute boys there, and Im sure one or two of them, in their beer goggle state wouldnt have said no. Suddenly I was like ok, Im gonna go now. Why?? I have no idea. I have this weird gut instinct at the minute. I overthink wayy too much and my mantra for the past few days has been 'dont think, just feel'

All of a sudden I just felt, yeah I am so happy right now, I would really like to go and dance in my room to my own music in the same way Im doing here where I can think and dream at the same time.

So I left and now I am wondering if janine is in so that I can turn my music up, just feeling that something good is about to happen and not having the patience to wait for it...
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