Title: May Makes Going To The Mall A Lot More Interesting Than Josh Had Ever Thought Possible
Fandom: Honeydew Syndrome
Pairings: Josh/Metis
Warnings: Slash. Apart from that? Hmmm.
Status: Completed, one-shot.
Notes: Written for the March trade-off in
honey_syn. It was originally posted at
hs_tradeoff but it's since disappeared, so I thought I'd just post this up for archival purposes. Don't think I'll cross-post anywhere, though... probably only at
honey_syn itself.
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I’m bored. Let’s go out tomorrow.
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I dunno, the mall or sth?
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On a Sunday morning, Josh found himself with Metis at the mall.
It was only when he stepped through the doors that he was suddenly struck by how incongruous a pair they made. There he was - blond hair and blue-eyed, wearing a normal striped shirt and jeans and sneakers. And there Metis was - black hair and black-eyed, wearing a black band-related shirt (he wasn’t even sure what band it was) and black skinnies and rings and high-tops.
Oh well. At least he wasn’t wearing eyeliner.
But amongst the giggling skinny girls and the smiling families, he did suddenly feel rather out-of-place…
He felt Metis take his hand. He looked down at their interlinked fingers, and then into the face of the boy next to him - who had a small smile on his face, and who said, “Come on.” And he felt a bit braver and more assured.
He smiled back.
He supposed he’d always been hanging out with the wrong people, because he never had had so much fun at the mall before.
With his kid sisters he never actually was at the mall as a person, but more as a chauffer and a sort of clothes-rack. With his ex-girlfriends he always found himself in the departmental store, their bags slung over his arm, his charm always on, full-blast as he complimented how that top complemented their skin, or how those jeans really didn’t make their butts look fat. With his team mates he’d always found his testosterone going into over-drive, going to sports shops to drool over the latest equipment, turning around as a pack to check out the girls who’d just walked by, or sitting around in fast food joints talking in monosyllables and grunts.
Now that he thought about it, his existence at the mall had thus far been rather mechanical. Or cave-man like.
With Metis, though, it was different. For instance, he found himself debating whether OK-Go counted as emo music - Metis held out that they did so make deep and meaningful music, Josh held out that they couldn’t even take themselves seriously enough to be really all that deep and meaningful, Metis thought maybe that was the point, Josh found it all so hilarious. He found himself in Hot Topic and realised that tiny black shirts on a certain fair-skinned boy really, really shouldn’t make him feel so hot and bothered. He also found himself in a silly little knick-knack store and having a yellow, smiling, bobble-headed Pooh bear bought for him and pressed into his palm, the both of them giggling uncontrollably all the way out the door.
He realised that he really hadn’t had so much fun at the mall ever since he outgrew those kids’ playpens that his parents used to leave him at when he was small.
As they walked down the row of shops, shoulders almost touching and laughter and light banter going back and forth between them, he didn’t even really care anymore that they looked so incongruous.
They stopped at an ice-cream parlour before heading home.
Metis got a vanilla sundae with pineapple bits stuck randomly into it. Josh got a normal chocolate flavoured one, at which Metis teased him and called him conventional.
But it was his turn to laugh at the expression on Metis’ face when Josh suddenly pushed a spoonful of chocolate ice-cream into his teasing mouth, though.
They ate the rest of their sundaes in companionable silence. Josh tried some of Metis’ vanilla-with-pineapple concoction and found it okay, if a little bit too sweet for his liking. Metis forgave him for interrupting ‘his moment’ and reached over to wipe a bit of chocolate from the corner of Josh’s mouth. Josh turned his face slightly and kissed the pad of Metis’ thumb.
Metis blushed and looked back down at his ice-cream.
Josh smiled and did the same.
By the time they got to Metis’ home, it was the middle of the afternoon. Josh parked his car and walked Metis up to his door. The sun was beating down on the porch, but it was a nice kind of warm - a heavy, slow kind of sunlight that drenched everything in gold and made pale skin sparkle and tinted dark hair an ethereal shade of brown. He didn’t really want to leave.
Metis leaned over and kissed him clumsily. He tasted the strange sweet-sharp tang of pineapple with the smooth cream flavour of vanilla, he felt the awkward fingers balanced on his hips. But before he could wrap an arm around his waist and draw him closer, it was over.
“Haha,” Metis said, and his eyes were warm and amused. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Josh laughed. Damn, he was so in love. “Yeah.”