(no subject)

Jul 27, 2010 15:10

I feel like I need to be recording my dreams in some way. So I'm going to give it a shot and probably do it once or twice and then stop.

Last night involved going to Portland for a business conference, wandering around a bookstore and running into acquaintances who were in Portland to protest said business conference. Their attractive but far too young hangers-on offered me various drugs, and it was pretty awkward.

Then I went into a different part of the bookstore and looked at Whitewolf's newly released flagship game line in which you play an aztec feathered serpent mummy. The inside had lots of pictures of brooding badboy Quetzlcoatl lookalikes in bandages, leather jackets, and shades. I woke up imagining the meeting in which the head of marketing was insisting that feathered serpent mummies were definitely going to be the new vampires.
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