Dude, Christmas is almost here. I'm actually acting as if Im more excited than I really am. But This is the season of giving not recieving, so i guess ill deal with the fact that we're poor and i'm not gonna get much lol. Whatever Trevor. Its that i got stuff before christmas and was like "this is for christmas" by the time it got to december, i
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dear MTV,
as you know, the show " laguna beach"...is an awesome show..and has many viewers...but most people i know of that watch the show...don't really " love " kristen...shes kinda the antagonist in most prespectives (sp?) . so i think you should do the same type of show over again but with a different cast..maybe after the 2nd season of normal laguna beach is over....i have some freinds that are just like...lo,lc,and the laguna bubble crew!...e-mail me back for some more info...
sincerely, karen...j/k..lol..sincerely, Sary A. Lowe
u've probably realized that that was all about you...i hope they can do a 3rd seaon...entittled: "south beach"..aka: " the south beach bubble"..lol
<3 merry x-mas...hope u like my plan!!!!!
haha ur so crazy.
dude KRISTEN is my favorite! i <3 her so much!
i would so be her. haha.
merry christmas loca <3
haha oh yes. omg! how awesome! lol how long ago..
yeah i have a lot of pics im jus lazy
clean it ALOT! don't use listerine! and wait a good 2 weeks to change it! suck on ice alot too <3 goodluck!
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