(no subject)

May 14, 2008 18:25

I think school is killing my interest in computer science. The curriculum is horrible. Horrible. It's like they're trying to convince me how dull/boring computer science is, which seems to be the popular opinion in public already, and now I can see why people think that. I need some time alone with my computer, I don't think I'm going to be taking any CS courses this summer, maybe some other subject.

I think they need to take a BIG step back in designing the field, and redesign it to take in to account the rapid changes, interconnectivity, but especially the rapid changes, etc.. because some things that I'm spending my time learning, I KNOW will be completely archaic in 4 years. Other things are designed like we are computers to be programmed, not taking in to account the human thought process at all, in fact somethings that they ask me to do for class are complete insults to the intelligence.

Here's an idea that just popped up in my head: From the beginning of kindergarden until high school, teach kids how to teach themselves effectively. Get that in rock solid. Make mean, self-learning, humans. In high school guide them while they experience this self-learning thing. Then let them do independent study throughout college. Let college be a place where you come to help yourself learn further, by talking to professors/etc, grouping with others interested in what you want to study. So you want to learn C++? Submit your independent study proposal, get a list of others studying the field, maybe a common area, some constant contact with professors, some check ins, and see where you end up. Obviously this is highly unrefined as it was formulated in the last 3 minutes, but the general idea is still there.
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