Nov 26, 2004 21:29
Well...i heard the most interesting thing today…wanna know what it is? Of course it is…well its this…apparently ice hockey was like invented on my family’s land generations ago…in nova Scotia…I’m looking it up to find out if its true or not…who knows?? I learned that my family was actually very wealthy, and all high and mighty on themselves b/c they were related to some royal family but then of course we had some evil cousin who just had to squander the money so we’re reduced to rags…just kidding…we’re not that bad...but hell…we’re close enough…yeh..Today was a day off and it was mostly learning my family’s history and such…wanna hear some?? Well lets see…My great-great-grandmamma (I can’t really remember how many greats) came over to America on the Mayfair ship…I’m related to Mary, Queen of Scots (maybe that the royal family? o.O who knows) um….what else did I learn today?? Damned if I can remember…this is all my moms’ side by the way...they were the blue faced Celts…my daddy was all Roman…damned Romans…yesterday was gobble day...i spent the day eating...what else would I do?? My brother was in New York at the thanksgiving parade…he called and told us it was fun and he was mad cuz it wasn’t snowing…mmhmm...whatever… Tuesday night I spent the night over at Joyce’s along with Jackie…we we’re looking at porn on the computer when it shut off and Joyce was hella scared cuz when it does that sometimes the webpage’s are still there when you restart and she was afraid her sisters or mom would was kinda funny...we saw this one hentai site that was all pictures of naked fat people…it scared me and Jackie and we were like “change it Joyce! Change it!” its funny now but man….scary…then we went to Joyce house...tried to do homework but then Jeanette came home so we all staked it out in Joyce’s room...there we started telling personal horror stories and it scared us all we changed the subject and had this deep conversation about time, alternate universe and such…Jeanette(who we said could have been a hobo in some AU) got so confused at one point she was like “I’m thinking about thinking about thinking. STOP!” it was funny…we were silent when Joyce had to bring up scary stories...from then one we couldn’t even go downstairs by ourselves without thinking something was out there to get us…it got to be 12:30 or something so we decided to go to bed...but no one wanted to sleep on the floor so we all somehow fit on Joyce’s twin bed…it was kind of a sad picture and I wish someone had taken got to be way to cramped and sweaty so we decided if we all went to the floor it would be safe so we did…we slept for like an hour when Jeanette was trying to wake Joyce us...she managed to wake us all up...we talked for like 10 more minutes when we tried again but me and Jeanette couldn’t get comfortable so we went on the bed...I had almost fallen asleep when Jeanette was like “ still awake??” I replied that I was but not very...she was kind of disappointed but amused herself with her cell phone and playing games…she played for like an hour….I woke up like ever to or 20 minutes so I only got like four hours of sleep...then in the morning Shannan came over t like 6:30 and woke us all up…it was funny cuz Jeanette was like “I’m afraid to wake Jessie up...pssst!! Jessssssssie” I was already awake by then though...course when shannan got there she just crawled into bed….after that was had breakfast…I had eggs…amazing really since I hate eggs…I was joking that maybe I was pregnant.. Joyce’s mom took us to her work where we hung out at the bakery for like an hour before walking to Japan Town…well first we went to Denny’s…we were hella acting like tourists and took pictures everywhere...including Denny’ was kind sad…after that we went back to Kaiser (moms work), had a bathroom break there and then took a shuttle to Clement Street. We stopped at this fish place…it had hella cool fish...including eels…they were eating live fish…after that we went back to the bakery, hung out there for another hour when my mom finally picked us up…we went to Joyce’s house, I got my stuff and then left…I don’t know what they did or how long they stayed but I swear...I had a lot of fun...I need to do that again...shannan need to stay next time…yup yup…that’s it for now…
(Oh another dream for you...that happened a while ago...I’m not racists or anything but in this dreams I was killing little Asians kids…it scared me cuz some of my best friends were Asian...)