Title: Secret Pairing: Kusumoto/Matori Rating/Warnings: G AN: For talisa_ahn, for getting me into these two. Some background info for you
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LOVE! Matori's confidence... if things keep going this way, Kikuoka really is going to have some competition. Matori's kinda snuck up on me.
(Technically, Kusumoto wasn't in the original Little Gangs. and he's currently in Gang Star or whatever it is they changed Big Gangs to. But at concerts, it's always like that with these two. &hearts)
As an answer, Matori glances down. He brushes his fingers against Kusumoto's, not taking his hand, but the touch is enough to make Kusumoto gasp. Kusumoto realizes what he's done a second too late.
I don't know why, but in my brain, this part happens behind Shochikuza even though there's no reason for them to be there.
Lol, just because I said okonomiyaki. :P Not that behind Shochikuza would be halfway from anywhere, unless it was halfway from the door to the door to the restaurant. *laugh* Well, think what you want. ;)
(Technically, Kusumoto wasn't in the original Little Gangs. and he's currently in Gang Star or whatever it is they changed Big Gangs to. But at concerts, it's always like that with these two. &hearts)
I don't know why, but in my brain, this part happens behind Shochikuza even though there's no reason for them to be there.
Well, think what you want. ;)
Man... if only Kusumoto had been at Takki tonight too~!
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